#S002 My first check to STEEM in 2018 一张开给Steem 的支票

in #cn7 years ago (edited)




对比国内移动支付日益发达的今天,与其说香港在支付结算领域固步自封,不如说是一种情怀和生活态度,还有就是“信任”. 就如同在数字货币的海洋中,我选择了Steem(@abit, @oflyhigh, @rivalhw 谢谢中文区大佬支持一下~),也选择了对它的信任。




This weekend, when I was cleaning up the room, I found several cheque books hanging out on my desk for months (maybe a year). I think I should not need it anymore this year. Suddenly steem appeared in my mind. it wasn't so much that to abandon it rather than to open the first cheque for steem.

So, I write down the cheque and signature as @Abeta, and then ran to the terrace to take this moment in the setting sun.

In mainland, only few corporations or trade finance still preferred the cheque books. However, the use of cheque books in Hong Kong is expected to be very frequent. Especially at small pay such as water and electricity bills, pay credit card bills, Octopus, housing rent, transfer money, personal large settlement will use cheques; as a whole, a large proportion of Hong Kong people will use cheques Payment or settlement.

Comparing with the increasing development of mobile payment in China today, it is not so much a matter of saying that Hong Kong is self-styled in the payment and settlement field. It is more a kind of feelings and attitude towards life. It is also “trust.” Just like in the ocean of digital currency, I chose steem (@Abit, @oflyhigh, @rivalhw If there is any support or encouragement to me, there will be sincerely many thanks to all of you) and chose to trust it.

Cheque: As a payment-clearing paper certificate. Although the payer may issue a dud check, the settlement parties still prefer to trust each other. In the information age, Assuming a scenario that your best friend sent a letter of paper from the distant place, written with words of simple greetings and familiar hand signature, which is far more than the feelings of WhatsApp or facetime worthy of collection and nostalgia. This is just my feeling for Steem.

Hopefully, in the near future 2019, 2020... With the maturity of blockchain technology, more and more applications (communities) like STEEM will be able to lead the transformation and trend of Information 4.0. And my feelings of STEEM still unchanged.


@abeta, May the force be with you...愿生活的原力和与你同在!

Thanks @cn-naughty.boy . Wish good luck aways with you!

hi, @abeta
Thank you for writing good.
I will follow you and I hope to write better in the future.

Follow me ( @wonsama ), I'll providing korean realtime news every 1 hour.

Thank you @wonsama, Azaza fighting !
