Hong Kong Snapshot (15) – Chungking Mansions - Ghetto at the Centre of the World, “Sin City” in the past 香港隨拍(15) – 重慶大廈 - 世界中心的貧民窟,曾經生人勿近的魔窟

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

I am now in a small room on the 8th floor of Chungking Mansion, typing this article with my MacBook. Since the demolition of Kowloon walled city, Chungking Mansion is probably the most mysterious place in Hong Kong.


重慶大廈,對世界的背心客來說,絕不陌生,因它充滿著在香港市區可以找到最便宜的旅館。旅遊聖經Lonely Planet始創人就曾入住重慶大廈,後來他在亞洲導遊書中寫道,重慶大廈是香港尋找廉價旅館最有魔力的詞語。自此,西方的背包客便蜂擁而至,為重慶大廈的多種族性添加了幾道白人的身影。不過在此之前,重慶大廈曾是香港人聞之色變,避之則吉的魔窟。
Chungking Mansions should be a familiar name to all backpackers in the world, as it has the cheapest hotels you may find in the urban area of Hong Kong. The founder of “Lonely Planet” was one of the visitors of Chungking Mansions. He wrote in the Asia guide book that “Chingking Mansions is a magical word in searching cheap hotels in Hong Kong”. After that, many and many backpackers from the western visit Chungking mansions, adding the faces of white people among the over 100 races in Chingking Mansions. But before that, Chungking Mansions was one of the most dangerous place in Hong Kong.


Chungking Mansions was built in 1961, in the purpose of residential. It was the highest building in the Tsim She Tsui region and many rich people lived there. But the management of Chungking Mansions was very bad as there were too many landlords (over 900), and also the Tsim She Tsui region developed so rapidly, making Chungking Mansions became the home of the poor. Cherie Chung, Hong Kong famous actress, spent her childhood in Chungking Mansions. Because of the management, Chingking Mansions become the hot bed of gangs, gamblers, prostitutes, drug dealers and illegal immigrants. Around 1970s, the businessmen from India and Pakistan started to gather in Chungking Mansions, making the environment more complicated, with the name of “nest of devils”.


Chungking Mansions caught the eyes of famous director Wong Kar-wai and he shot the film “Chingking Express” in Chingking Mansions. “Chingking Express” was selected as “ALL-TIME 100 Movies” by TIME.

重慶森林海報 Poster of Chungking Express

Chungking Mansions were always a dangerous place for Hong Kong people. we even didn't want to pass by. So Hong Kong people only had a blurred image of Chungking Mansions before the film Chungking Express. in 1993, there was an explosion of the power supply room in Chungking Mansions, the mansions lost electricity and water for 10 days. It made all the 900 landlords come together and discuss how to improve Chungking Mansions. Finally in 2004, the renovation of Chungking Mansions was finished. There are now 208 CCTV cameras and 24 hours security guards which greatly improve the order. And now we are much safer to go in.

2000年左右,非洲人也紛紛進入重慶大廈尋找商機,加上不同地區的背包客,這裡每日有超過10000人出入,分佈於超過130個國籍,讓重慶大廈冠以「低端經濟全球化中心」,2007年,時代雜誌將重慶大廈評為「亞洲最能體現全球一體化的例子」。後來人類學家Gordon Mathews開始對重慶大廈產生興趣,他在2006-2009年期間,深入了解重慶大廈,更住在裡面,終於在2013年推出著作《世界中心的貧民窟:香港重慶大廈》,重慶大廈之名聞於國際。
In around 2000, businessmen in Africa started moving to Chungking Mansions. And with the backpackers from all around the world, there are now over 10000 people with over 130 nationalities going in and out of Chungking Mansions. It is now described as the “World Centre of “Low-end Globalisation”. In 2007, TIME rated Chungking Mansions as the “Best Example of Globalisation in Action”. At the same time, Anthropology Professor Gordon Mathews was interested by Chungking Mansions. He started investigating Chungking Mansions and even lived in the place from 2006-2009. In 2013, Gordon Mathews published the book “Ghetto at the Centre of the World: Chungking Mansions”.

“Ghetto at the Centre of the World: Chungking Mansions”

Today, I could’t go home due to some matter so I rented a room in Chungking Mansions. Actually It was also the first time I enter Chungking Mansions. Maybe it is attractive to foreigner. But for me, a local, familiar with the rumour of the mansions since I was small, I really felt nervous. i was really prejudice to the Mansions. although I knew now it is much safer than the past, i was perturbed.

7:43pm, I arrive Tsim Sha Tsui nearby Chungking Mansions. There were many South Asians and Africans on the street, sizing up the tourists passing by. As I was wearing backpack and holding a camera, I was also one of their targets. I got a strong feeling of unfamiliarity. I was not looking down on the Africans and South Asians. But I seldom come into contact with them. Suddenly standing in this situation, I felt unfamiliar. Entering the main entrance of Chungking Mansions, around ten people of different nationalities came to me. It alerted me as I didn't know what they want to do. Fortunately, they were just going to show me the name card of different hotels. I smiled and rejected them, toke a breath, and entered this strange place.


in Chungking Mansions, what I saw is darkness, old ceiling, messy shops, signboard all over, and wall start changing colour. It seemed like the Hong Kong 30 years ago. And, there were many races! Indians, Africans, Europeans, Chinese, and I was faces of Koreans. I seemed like leaving Hong Kong. I was a stranger in this building.

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There are 5 blocks in Chungking Mansions, the lift of block A, where my hotels is in, was just at the main entrance. I decided to check in first. There were only 10 lifts for the five 17-floor buildings, servicing over 10000 people everyday. I waited for 10 minutes to enter the lift. In the lift, there were Chinese, Arabians and even three monks! Finally, I arrived the 16th floor. There was only one reception for all the four hotels in the floor. The receptionists were two Indians, After check in, they gave me the room key of a room on the 8th floor (huh! not 16th floor!?)


Back to the lobby and waited for the lift. After a while, I decided to walk down stair. Many rubbish around and smell were bad. Arriving the 8th floor, I can saw no sign and only doors and doors. Many bed sheets were hang in the lobby. Seems those are the bed sheets we will use. I took the room card, trying to pass the doors one by one and finally I got it! I rented the best room in Chungking Mansions, around HK$250, and I got a double bed room.



Entering the room, I started to check it. Em…feel not bad, nice wall, air conditioner, TV, toilet. Although it’s small, it’s already a great choice in HK for just HK$250. But there was no teeth brush and towel. You need to pay $20 for a towel. Afterward, I went back to the ground floor and took a look of Chungking Mansions.


單位內有公共冰箱 Public Refrigerator

I saw food stores, restaurant and money exchange everywhere, but no phone shops. 10 years ago, there were many phone shops in Chungking Mansions. Many businessmen from Africa came Chungking Mansions to buy old phone and sell back to Africa. by statistic, 90% mobile phones in African came from Chungking Mansions. But since the rise up of China, More and more Africans went to China to buy the cheaper and better mobile phones. phone shops in Chungking Mansions were closed and became restaurants.


Going up to the 2nd floor, in my first sight were 2 strong black men playing card and the shops around were all closed. I just thought if the 2nd floor is not opened but I decide to pretend nothing happen and kept going. Fine! I saw shops, but a few only. Seems, the influence from China is really great.

View from the 2nd floor

I went back to the ground floor and took the lift to the 3rd floor. There was the most famous Indian restaurant there. Wow, quite a lot people inside, people from Hong Kong, China, and even white people. I ordered a dish of lamb, and a bottle of Indian beer, reply the comment of Steemit. Unfortunately, the lamb was not food, but the curry was great.


Leaving the restaurant, I went downstair back to the Ground Floor, and I was lost. on the way, I saw a woman from the Middle East sleeping beside the stair. There were no people around, if she got in danger, no one can save her. I felt the sadness of the difference between the rich and the poor. Finally, I found a door. When I opened it, there was light, light that I couldn’t adapt to. Oh, it was the CKE shopping mall, which belong to Chungking Mansions also, but with totally different style. You can’t imagine the two different malls, one new one old, is separated by a door only.

Same Mansions, Completely different entrances.

Back to the room, I started to wrote my story today. And then, my friends in Steemit lured me to play “King of Glory”, and I stopped here.

早上8時起來,收拾背包,輕輕放下門匙,靜靜的離開,回到地下,走出大廈,竟有一種回到現實的感覺。之前的一晚,就像是離開香港,去到一個異國,重新認識一切,在這裡,印度人與巴基斯坦人相言歡笑,土耳其人和美國人也會互相擁抱,在這個經濟學人口中的「世界之家」,有著太多值得我們探索的地方。重慶大廈可說是香港最繁華地段尖沙咀的一個異類,一座孤島,你難以想像這樣的一座大廈可以仍然存在,而內裡的多樣和混雜性,更是一個寶藏,各種國籍、宗教、色種、文化的族群,在重慶大廈卻能和平共處,實為每一位管理者及政治家的啟示。只是,作為「最能體現全球一體化」的重慶大廈,卻因為全球化而慢慢地改變,今天背包客的探險勝地,在明天可能已人事全非,Gordon Mathews也認為,重慶大廈最終亦將會因重建而消失。
Waking up at 8am, I packed my thing, and left quietly. Going out the building, I felt like going back to the reality. The night before, it seemed like I left HK and went to a strange place to learn everything from the beginning. In Chungking Mansions, Indians and Pakistanis chat happily. Turkishes and Americans hug each other. In this “home of the world” named by the ECONOMIST, there are too many things worth to discover. Chungking Mansions is a black sheep, a lonely island. you can’t imagine such a building can still exits in nowadays Hong Kong. Different nationalities, culture, region, races, live together in peace. It is a treasure for managers and politicians. But, the Chungking Mansions, Best Example of Globalisation in Action, are now defeated by the globalisation, and are changing. The place of adventure of the backpackers today, may be totally different tomorrow. Gordon Mathews said, “ChungKing Mansions will soon disappear by reconstruction”.


I can’t control or answer how the future of Chungking Mansions will be. But I believe that, I will soon arrive Chungking Mansions again, to stay for another night.


Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!

Please Upvote and Follow me @aaronli


Upvoted, followed and resteemed


謝謝你的介紹喔 我覺得蠻不錯的


几年前去香港玩,在重庆大厦吃到很正宗的印度菜。当时觉得这个地方真是诡异,进去好多发传单的印度人堵住路无法前行。后来去了一趟Varanasi, 下次去香港我觉得我会更勇敢的进去吃咖喱。

wow man. great story. how much time did you spend in the area? it seems like an interested experience for sure! I had never even heard of this place before.

I stayed there at around 8pm and left at 8am. It's really exciting! If I was not alone I may try to explore more secret place inside the building!

24 hours and go! Nice man. And yea that building looks so crazy!

I may introduce you to watch the film "Chungking Express"!! It's a great movie!

@aaronli I will look it up for sure. thanks man!

Vote for 王者 hehe




I love the curry there!!

next time I will try another curry restaurant~

EXCELLENT article!!!!!!!!!

EXCELLENT Susan!!!!!!!!!!





爸爸從小跟我說他多愛楚紅阿姨,耳濡目染下,我也愛上她了... __






流金岁月里 钟楚红简直惊为天人

Hongkong. 매우 아름다운 도시. 좋은 이야기를 나눠 주셔서 감사합니다.




上次一行入門口就有一班人塞左好多咖哩店的卡片俾我~haha xD


Realmente genial, dan ganas de ir a verlo en persona. Increible!

Thanks! It's really amazing!!

看完只有很多「為何?」在腦中出現。為何要一個小小的冒險大廈裡才能體會到這種和平,是我們沒有做到接納嗎,是他們個性比較喜歡自成一國嗎,是一個過客才覺得它有著一體化的幻象嗎。或者應該看看那本書。我好多疑問... 我去只是吃個簡單咖哩還有那裡以前有明信片賣,可能是翻版的。。。




已經變很多了~手機店都不見了 :(

Excellent article and a " window on the world" of interactions of the human race. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you~ It's really funny here to see so many nationalities~

What a great experience!!

It's really great haha XDD

@aaronli 重慶大廈這個地方真的很神秘!作為香港人也未曾踏足此地,原來有其他入口的?!謝謝分享!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


that was incredible story, my friend,and something I will have to experience when there. so much history to learn. Keep up this fantastic work you are doing, my friend

Thank you for supporting! I can always see your reply :)

很久之前就知道這個地方。後來讀了Gordon Mathews的書,真的是很好看的一本書!






哇!!! 真的是大開眼界啊!! 以前就曾聽過朋友說盡量不要去那裏, 不過這對我來說算是一種很新鮮的體驗!! :D


得找人陪同啊!! XD

@wilkinshui 陪你來香港~

我們可能在去的途中就會把身上的錢全部拿去買吃的吃光光了 , 哈哈哈哈


講得我們像土匪似的 :(

感谢分享, 非常棒的经历, 之前很喜欢重庆森林, 没想到还有这个背景




Amazing story....i willl follow you..greetings @aaronli

我知道你会喜欢这个帖子https://steemit.com/life/@chuxlouis/une-lettre-d-amour-a-mon-fils,kindly点击它,并且很好地告诉我你的想法, 非常感谢你的好意。

原来重庆大厦还有这样的历史变迁,那部《重庆森林》是我这么多年来最爱的电影之一,金城武盛世美颜,还有最爱里面的王菲,活脱脱一个短发精灵。梦中人和California dreaming这么多年都是我的必备歌单


