I understand that and step by step it seems very good. to advance a lot. Sometimes there are operatives in the churches that collaborate. It is painful that they reject him because of his appearance and that happens in many parts of the world. his transformation is extraordinary and we follow it with a lot of interest. If he can us Venezuelans we can also change our sad history and make it as beautiful as before. thank you for giving us encouragement
eso lo entiendo y paso a paso me parece muy bien. a adelantado muchisimo. a veces hay operativos en las iglesias que colaborar. es doloroso que por su aspecto lo rechacen y eso pasa en muchos lados del mundo. su transformacion es extraordinaria y la seguimos con mucho interes. Si el puede nosotros los venezolanos tambien podemos cambiar nuestra triste historia y volverla como antes bonita. gracias por darnos animo @done