That we are. You helped someone that had not even known about. Back out there, sleeping in the park. These things are so cold. in the cold, but now better in the clean clothes I am wearing. I can warm up with a nice hot coffee and breakfast if I wear presentable clothes. Hopefully he will even be able to go shopping with me, or get a hair cut , I have many friends to talk about . I will be learning more things I must know to have etiquette for steemit. Then I am anxious to do better on my post. Then get some friends involved.
Little by little. Next the hair and ability to travel. Then a roof over my
head. and regular showers.
Gracia por leerme es un orgullo amigo mlo de todo corazon
i don't know your language sir, please write English
Amiga gracias por tu aliento es lindo tener ropas nuevas aun a un hombre pobre que se quedo en la calle y es un luchador
Please write English sir, i don't know this language
I live in Bangladesh, my mother language is Bangla
is not good at translating
to mention itHi @rachel1998 maybe @lvj
Friend, thank you for your encouragement, it's nice to have new clothes, even a poor man who stayed on the street and is a fighter@lvj tells you ....
Try this translation site so you can translate to most languages. (
এই অনুবাদ সাইটটি চেষ্টা করুন যাতে আপনি বেশিরভাগ ভাষায় অনুবাদ করতে পারেন।
Ē'i anubāda sā'iṭaṭi cēṣṭā karuna yātē āpani bēśirabhāga bhāṣāẏa anubāda karatē pārēna.
Prueba este sitio de traducción para que puedas traducir a la mayoría de los idiomas.
You are a good people sir for help poor man
father taught me a lot of hardships, I
dreamed that I would finish a good job
and take a good job and look after them. I
have two sisters who have married in my
marriage, they will marry them. No one
wants to give a job except this era is
coming. I'm at a lot of problems. If you
were a good man you used to be close to
me, you would have been very good for
me. And why this problem is being said
I was before
also experiencing that problem
you have to wait
the process of filling Resource Credits
see below
to find out, you can open your link
may be useful
regards @sultan-aceh