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RE: Why is the Queen Funding The Clinton Crime Syndicate? Wet Works... Eugenics... Or Both?

in #clinton8 years ago

Sean, the perverted 'elite' visavi the queen & co. Inc. are in the 'primary-players' group.
Therefore, YOU are 100% correct in >>> pointing the finger to the royals in gb.
Trudeau is at best a newly knighted-knight in their round-table....prepared in/from/as in child-in-the hood.
+1 for you.
POTUS-Trump must, if, he has any credibility, ORDER the immediate protection of the BECKS and ALL hill-billy whistleblowers!
It's the prerequisite for a change now.
PERIOD!!! No, if ans or buts.
Catherine Austin Fitts released a few days ago an interview with Dr Cynthia McKenny at 'The Phaser' -Enforce the US Constitution: Catherine Austin Fitts & Dr ...-; conclusion, 5-10% are the Net Energy + folks.
CAT is, extremely smart & compassionate. Glad you finally interviewed her.
You, CAT etc will invoke change, if you do it.
The 80% 'Followers' are in need of direction. It's a fact of Life.
Try doing an interview with PCR-Dr Paul Craig Roberts too, btw.
He knows how to do it.
To my point >>>
A 'critical mass' is upon us.
Worldwide as a matter-of-fact.
The HAMMER surely confirms it; Look-it-Up!
You Americans MUST force POTUS-Trump to do something, NOW!!!
You surely have figured out who I am.
I never have been an alarmist.
Veritas Lux Mea. X-
btw, Kudos.