The Real Climate Change

The global climate is changing, but not the way the mainstream media is telling us. Our sun goes through 11 year cycles when solar activity reaches a “minimum”. (Lack of sun spots, solar storms, etc...). During a Solar Minimum, the Earth experiences an increase of weather anomalies, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail / snow, and deep freezing, (I’m looking at you US East Coast). As well as increased tectonic and volcanic activity. And every 400 years, the sun goes into a “Grand Minimum” where there is an exteme lack of solar activity with exponential effects of a normal solar minimum. 2018 will mark a significant year of a Grand Solar Minimum.

Do your own research outside of the mainstream media, and find the truth about real climate change. It is not what the official word says it is. Please share this, and start a real dialogue about what we really need to focus on.