I woke up early this morning and to start off the week. I decided to pick up some rubbish around where I live and in particular: along the coastal path here in Lobitos, Peru.
I wish people would dispose of their waste in a more sustainable matter, but most don't care about it once it leaves their home. Then it is like "not my problem" attitude. Keep people to change their mindset and perceptions take decades. It starts with our children and more effort should be given to environmental education in schools.
I hope you like this video.
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I like what you're doing here man. Beaches in Italy are so fucking dirty you can't even imagine. What is wrong with people?
I couldn't handle the walk to the beach anymore with all the rubbish. Generally inside people's home it is spotless, but outside!! arghhhhh why??
Excellent ! Merci pour ton merci !
Ensemble nous arriverons à faire une différence qui va se ressentir sur la surface de la planète... mais aussi empêcher que ces pollutions aillent directement dans la mer...
Bravo ! Et merci !
Tu es un grand acteur #cleanplanet et vraiment tu incites chacun à faire comme toi. @yann0975
Merci pour cette initiative et ça marche :)
@sandflea est mon ami et il m'a montré votre projet. J'ai le sentiment que d'autres ici, à Lobitos, au Pérou, vont faire de même très bientôt.
Nous sommes également en train de reboiser ici.
A great eco-citizen action again !
Keep it up !
No way for trashes !
See you soon using cleanplanet tag
Congratulations @intrepidsurfer ! Happy to see it and then upvoted 100% by @cleanplanet @cleanplanet
Thank you @cleanplanet :)
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thank uuuu @theluvbug and much appreciated.
Thank your for your commitment! It's so important that we all begin to clean the planet! We also pick up some trash in our daily life and clean every place where we stand with our rolling home!
Then only
Keep up your great work!
Greetings out of the van
thank you for your kind words :) we should all do our part and the world would be a totally different place. A better one.
Absolutely!Keep on doing your great work!
Awesome initiative my friend! I did these random beach clean-ups too when living in Mexico. I am also happy to "discover" the @cleanplanet project thanks to this post, it sounds amazing! I will surely check it out.
I am glad to spread the word about @cleanplanet :) it seems endless with beach clean ups as the rubbish turns up the next day.