Let's save the planet, by properly disposing

in #cleanplanet5 months ago

Hi friends

Striking balance between being free from impurities and our daily work is a challenge one has to deal with. Paying attention to our environment would be heedful. Humans are a distinct human that have made improper disposal of waste the normalway of living believing it has no consequences. But there is, our planet is being harmed through this way. It can cause harm discharge to the environment.

Most times one's work might be hundred percent attention demanding and there by causing one to be  neglected while the other gets the needed attention.

Working in to an unkept house or environment is the most irritating situation one can be in. We can stayfrom our houses and extend our hand of help to our environment which means we won't be saving just ourselves but our neighbors as well. When was the last time you properly disposed a waste gotten from the house or a help you rendered to the ecosystem and it's inhabit.

Coming to this community everyday with a set of picture from my gallery to show how i carried out my activity of cleaning on daily with some pictures makes me believe am adding a little quota in saving the planet.

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@solarisfuture @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity