
Hello, excellent publication, what you do is praiseworthy, I congratulate you for collaborating with actions that are wonderful and more for our planet that there is no other and many are forgotten. I congratulate you for that positive action full of good vibes. I invite you to know a little more about my blog. You will find interesting publications about my work waiting for you to like it. Greetings, blessings for all readers.

Hello @mando82. Thank you very much for your kind words.

This campaign is very important because it helps our environment. The more people that decide to participate the better.

I will definitely pass by your blog. Cheers.

Hey @chrismartinez !
You really are our first ambassador for our project.
It's great to see you every day and this video is really great.
Congrats to you for taking the project in hand this way.
You're going to inspire the whole Spanish and world community.

Hey @cleanplanet. Thank you for your kind words. It was an honor to participate in such an amazing project. I am glad to be a part of it. I hope my videos help, so others can participate as well in the campaign. Cheers.

could we use your promote videos to include in next article ?
it would be kool...

Hey @cleanplanet. Yeah, it is fine by me. Use it to promote your campaign. Cheers.