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RE: Time to start protesting steemit again! 🧼

in #clean5 years ago

Listen, I can see there is grief for this, but you have to help me help you and get all of this evidence together to build a case otherwise its just your say so. and I can't work with heresay information.

Please take the time and point out all the links and comments. if they exist, it's on the block chain. and if there really is abuse and harassment, I believe the public deserves to know. do put your work boots on and ypur gloves and stick on those batteries.

fuck it, I guess I'm a Steemit lawyer now or whatever.

here's my email address:

let the investigation begin.


This honusurf account never threatened anyone. He tries to bundle me together with the coininstant account!@themarkymark posts rude harassing things like this:

He sends these rude memes to other accounts he threatens!

I will work on getting a list together this weekend. Thanks

LOL honusurf is your alt (@coininstant).

You even say it here as well as many other places. (Remember you pretended your mom's account (kdtkaren) that you control was hacked and bought on craigslist, but then later admitted you were faking it, those were good times eh?)

You said yourself you are going to flag everyone because you are mad you were blacklisted. I went out of my way to unblacklist you and get you visible on the UI again, something I deeply regret but won't make that mistake again.