in #clb4 years ago

Hello Everyone. This Is Michael The Traveling Trucker. From the song by the Beach Boys: Good Vibrations. Today's adventure is: I'm glad I was in the harmonious vibration mode today. I woke up to my cell phone going back to factory mode without any help from me. All my downloadable apps were gone. This included my trucker's app for my logbook. Good thing I had my tablet with this app so I could drive until I could reload the app to the phone. I had to cancel an order for vitamins that I didn't order. I was at PEACE today, which is really not me. I still tend to freak. Progress, plain and simple. Being around good vibration people and my daily readings have given me a new perspective.

Mention: https://pixabay.com/images/search/happy%20people/


photography of human face

Why do some men succeed in life while others fail? Why do some couples and individuals live in harmony while others live in constant conflict? Why do some groups get along with other groups in a spirit of mutual help, while others hammer and frustrate each other?

Become a philosopher to study (harmonious vibrations) because it pays in a practical sense. Faced with a problem, or desirous of improving some situation or influencing some other person for the mutual benefit- pause and remember you are a practical philosopher. Thus you focus your mind upon the basic reasons which always have worked and always will, and immediately you are well guided. Darla Keys in her blog: stated that a daily mind check is needed. We need to check the attitude at the door, whether positive, enter in, or negative, stay out until you change.

Romantic Sax ~ Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves - YouTube

In Scott Reece's book,31 Days of Victory, Today's story was about Joseph. He was sold into slavery., but he didn't think like a slave. Positive attitude. All that he did, God blessed not only Joseph but those around him. Joseph released his anointing into the lives of others. He turned his tests into his testimony. He never stopped operating in his gift. He refused to hold a grudge. What others mean for harm, God will use for good.

My mentor and friend Janet Legere, tells how she has practiced positive words of affirmations. She truly walks inharmonious vibrations most of the time. In her book " Get Stuck on Happy" she says take a walk, have things you see daily that make you smile. Take a bubble bath with candles, soft music, a glass of wine if you drink. Put your head in a good place. REPEAT AFTER ME: IT TAKES DAILY PRACTICE TO REFLECT ON THE POSITIVE. STAY AWAY FROM NEGATIVE IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.

Smile, Laugh, Luck, Happy, Joy, Smiling

I have a free gift for you. Come by CLB Learning. Free 3 step quick guide to building your business. Yesterday, Janet announced a new program from her friend Jared Meyers: Genesis Lifestyle Network. This is a program you want to get a hold of. Another multi income stream is Traffic Leads 2 Income viral mailer. I love the crypto you can earn at CTP.

Handshake, Hands, Laptop, Monitor

This is me reach out to you, READER. Come join us NOW. It will be the best decision ever.

Be IN Harmony Always

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://contactlistbuilder.com/mjlipsey59/harmonious-vibrations/

I love this: "IT TAKES DAILY PRACTICE TO REFLECT ON THE POSITIVE" because it is an absolute truth. It does take daily, consistent practice of deciding to BE HAPPY .... Just Do It!