The Beginner Guide and Tips for – Clash of Clans

in #clashofclan8 years ago (edited)

The Beginner Guide and Tips for – Clash of Clans.
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Clash of Clans is one of the most popular strategy games of IGG for mobile phones ( the iPhone, iPad and Android) which offers much fun, fast paced and mobile strategy with an addicted type game and there are a lot of resources to keep continuing the game even after taking your initial base.
We will show you the best tips to take benefits from the game. If you are a new comer to the game follow the clash achievement that will assist you make a strong base. There are two types of clashers:

  1.   P to P (pay to play)
  2.   F  to P (free to play)

Choose your next level, if you want to get early success & a better achievement without paying dollars, we will show you the strategy of clash tricks and achievement so that you can win easily. But you know that the P2P player gets more advantages than F2P players thought we uphold some tips and tricks to keep pace with them.

The main tips of Clash of Clan
Need to Save Your Gems
At the very beginning of the game, you will get only 500 gems. If you follow the game tutorial, you have to complete the structures as the game base. Leave the tutorial information instead you can save gems to add extra builders so that your base can build rapidly. As the tutorial builders cost for every one: Number 2 – 250 gems, No. 3 – 500 gems, no. 4 – 1000 gems, No. 5 – 20000. One builder is related to unlock the next level builder. More builders are helpful to get a better result. Your 5th builder will help you to get trophy push ( in champion league) and it will be unlocked some other achievements too.

Join a Better & Friendly Clan
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You know the early stage of the game is very unknown to you because of strategy is unknown to you. When you overcome the level 1-2, you can understand the strategy. Before joining a Clan you may visit some other Clans, choose a better Clan in order to get more advantages and a low level Clan leads your to pgrade your level long. On the other hand, advance level Clan make you easy to go ahead the next level for you. So, there is an importnce to make decision before choosing a Clan. The clashers of the Clan help you from all events. If you want to be a strong base take advantages the Clan.

Send in a Battle Cheap Units
As a beginner, your initial goal is to save maximum resources and need to consist of a cheap unit which will fast to produce for your favor. It is one of the greatest misconceptions of a new player sending the expensive units they use to in battle that as a expert, I consider not like that. In this regard, Barbaians are less cost but Giants are great and high cost. If you consider that Giants and Dragons here Dragons are better than Giants but more costly. Here is time is the major factor. At the same time Wizards are more powerful than Archers but costly and Wizard takes 8 minutes to produce where you can make 4 Archers in less than two minutes.

Use Magic Spell if needed
Spell is another resource like battle units. It also much expensive to produce. If you think that Spell can help you effectively in the battle field then you can use. Otherwise it’s waste of your Elixir. It’s known to you that the Healing Spell costs at 15k Elixir and the Rage Spell costs 23k Elixir. Make sure before using the Spell so that you can return your total amount of resources which you expense.
Early Starting of MatchmakingFirst three days, you’ll get shield from the game rules. In this time, very few enemies will interest to attack you because of your resource will be shown little. In this field you can start matchmakingn exact way. You can move freely to save your resources because of no fear of retaliation. You can attack others with using handful of Archers, Goblins and more. So these three days’ shield makes you help to get knowledge and there is a tiny bit chance to lose your resources.

Upgrade Town Hallclash of clans Townhall.jpg
The Town Hall is one of the central buildings of the castle in the game. You should know about the importance of Town Hall , the loot penalty depends on Town Hall level. You’ll reduce your total amount of loot penalty from your enemies by upgrading your town Hall. If your Town Hall is upgraded one level than your enemies, you’ll get to loot 90% of the total amount as shown the base. If it is level two then you’ll get 50%, if level three, you’ll get 25% and for level four or more, you’ll get 5% of the total amount for loot. As an expert, I suggest you to build a strong base you need to keep eyes on every single element of the clan. You can upgrade your Town Hall up to level four. On the other hand, you should upgrade maximum level defensive structures such as walls, army camps and even your research for getting more credit before leveling up Town Hall five and keep continued the process for next level.
The Clan Castle Sets in the Center Position of Base
The central building should be set up in the center of your base with the strongest protection and defensive structures. This strategy is helpful and it works to protect from enemies’ unit attack. If you the Clan Castle set up outside of the base, opponent will enter easily your castle and lure away the unit. If your castle put inside your base, the opponent will make huge damage and kill them out as well your defensive structures will be affected.

Give Priority on Dark Elixir
When your Town Hall will reach level Seven and more, your limited resource will be turn into Dark Elixir. You need enough Dark Elixir to upgrade your heroes and Dark barracks troops. In this regard, you must need to focus on Dark Elixir and don’t waste your valuable resource by using hero units and spell. Save your resource to meet a large amount of Dark Elixir.
Attack Resource Full Base by Using Next Feature
Before attacking any base, choose the perfect base to raid with the skipping next button so that gain more resources. It’s not wasting of gold just tiny bit to leap the next base so that get a better base before sending your attacking units. Never spend the last amount of gold for upgrading, save a bit amount of gold for farming the next level attack.
Thank for being with us. If need further information please leave a comment.

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While I hate this game with a burning passion - I will admit that this guide is put together very well!

Also, consider using the "gaming" tag in the future :)

It's a World Famous game. Billion people so much like this game and they played so much time, Thanks For your Opinion And Advice