CryptoJacks (CJ) is floated by a group of Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts and Developers.
CJ is aimed at offering various facilities (Gaming, Exchange, Mining & Web Hosting facilities) to community and become a Bookmark in Cryptocurrency world.
As stated in our Caption - Crypto that brings our ideas to life - To expand CJ activities and make members participate in our success, we have decided to sell 360,000,000 Coins of our stake over 36 Rounds 0f 10,000,000 Coins Each (We have opted for ICO to get conducted in rounds only to make Members Discover our True Price over a Period of 36 Rounds seeing our Development process) .
360,000,000 Coins will be sold during the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) spread over 36 Rounds, 60,000,000 coins will be Mineable during the Proof-Of-Work phase (PoW) and 30,000,000 coins along with stakes will be used for different bounties.

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