"The creme de la phlegm". I will have to remember that one, I find myself often calling them simply "tapeworms".
My observations are very general and broad and not in relation to India's caste system, perhaps the caste system exacerbates the theory of peak people as opposed to the Communist mindset in a place like China, to a lesser extent today of course. Many ancient peoples throughout the world are being ripped into the 21st century due to rapid growth, globalisation, technology and communications and as a result are bringing a lot of historical customs and traditions that clash the high tech and wealth driven world we have created.
The middle class is being strangled and what we will be left with is some kind of neo-fuederalist corporatocracy where the masses can't afford to participate in the systems that generate huge wealth for the rich.
Thanks for the kind words and watch out for my posts in the future as I will be touching on these issues as well as a whole range of other relevant news events, ideas and topics.
Upon reading the first paragraph of your comment, whose words rang so true and clearly, I knew I would follow you (further) and look forward to some fine posts by you.
"Tapeworms" is very apt. In fact, the great economist Michael Hudson recently wrote a long and very interesting book on the financial parasites , called "Killing The Host." It describes precisely what is currently happening in the developed economies ...
Scary, indeed.
Absolutely, if you look up the description of "tapeworm" it is almost as if you are reading the description of a central bankster. It's good to meet people who are switched on and unplugged from the central programming system. Cheers for the book recommendation, it is on my list now for next to buy.