
Hello, the links that your account has been posting lead to a known phishing website. Once you recover your account please contact @pjau @patrice or @guiltyparties to get the flags removed. You can also find us at the @steemcleaners discord:

Flag Locate here, Thanks

I have updated all the comments the I was unable to delete and I have removed the malicious links

Do not Delete , just edit it. Come back to me once you have finish it.
I will talk to the Board

I deleted one comment and edited the rest.. I don't know how to undo the deleted comment though to edit it...

Edited is good, I have gone thru all.
Have you change your Passwords?

Warning Phishing Link!
  • Do Not Click on Bad Links
    They Steal Account.

  • 그들은 계정을 훔치는 나쁜 링크를 클릭하지 마십시오. !

  • Jangan klick Tuatan Buruk , mereka curi akun kamu

If you have provide your password to the link , make sure you change your password immediately!