
Good News! I will try to make it easier navigating around here with a website. Stay tuned and maybe even more solving stuff if Time allows it.

I'm working through this as best I can, but am new to puzzle solving. Can you please explain where you found the binary in the mask picture? And what cipher did you use to decode "qTuypzHtLKWyVTkurJIlplO0olOyqzIlrKEbnJ5a"?

"(html comment removed: It's not going to be easy, qTuypzHtLKWyVTkurJIlplO0olOyqzIlrKEbnJ5a)" is noted in the html of view-source: just have a look for yourself- sorry I didn't add it was in the source.

Rot13 = dGhlcmUgYXJlIGxheWVycyB0byBldmVyeXRoaW5n

base64= there are layers to everything

it was covered by @defango i was trying to figure the extra bits missing some from the collective of solvers bc that is what in fact all of defangos stuff is him looking at discord and getting leads and following things from others exactly how i get extra ideas sometimes when I'm stumped. We notice as a new image and we will decode more things sometime- just it may not be here anymore.