3.14 Day Update - 1711141131131.xyz | Cicada 3301 2018 Live Solving

in #cicada33017 years ago (edited)

Here's all my progress so far. Have you had your Pi today?

New Update - http://1711141131131.xyz/ 3.13.18


https://pastebin.com/rFbg1VmH <-- source

rW1EjLjCrOuM5Ee = skip 2 = r1jjru5eWELCOME


(html comment removed: Wake up , Cicada /?/start.html )
deprogramming seems to be the key

Eagle rain fire on the canaanite, as the merchant of wine challenges crys, the sword of lilly joins forces with jacob's adopted children. 3301

The land of Canaan, which comprises the modern regions of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. At the time when Canaanite religion was practiced, Canaan was divided into various city-states.
SYRIA, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine

Jacob Adopted Ephraim and Manasseh | Thanks Jertho and Thiago Tomitake
No hidden Text

Outguess most likely, need pass?677*337=228149
Reading hello.jpg....
Extracting usable bits: 41658 bits
Steg retrieve: seed: 24815, len: 560

Just carbage


Video Names
03 Exit-1-1800
03 Exit-2-1801
00 Exit-3-1802
01 Exit-4-1803
01 Exit-5-1804
06 Exit-6-1805
07 Exit-7-1806
08 Exit-8-1807
09 Exit-9-1808
10 Exit-10-1809
11 Exit-11-1810
12 Exit-12-1811


https://pastebin.com/KhGHgndG <-- source

Spires and Minarets awaken to the farce, angry frozen, as the great quakes begin. Spring forward. Fall Black.
(html comment removed: It's not going to be easy, qTuypzHtLKWyVTkurJIlplO0olOyqzIlrKEbnJ5a)



there are layers to everything

It's not going to be easy, there are layers to everything


Caesar 3
hphujh = emerge
emerge = Vigenere key

-..- - .. / -.-- ... .-. ... / ..-. .-.. / -..- - .. / .. -- --. -- .... .-. / .--- -- -..- .--. .--- / -..- .-.. --.- / .-. --- ...- / -- .-- / --.. .-.. .. / - .-. -..- -..- -.-. / --. ..-. ... .. .-- / -..- ..-. / ... - --.- .-. .-.-.- / -..- .-.. --.- / -.-. --- -.- .-.. ..-. / ..-. .-.. / ..- --. .. .--- --. -- ... --.. .-- / -.-- --.- ... -..- .... ...- -..- -- .-. ... / --.. - / -..- - .. / .--- . ...- .-- .. .--- --.. / - -..- . - -.- .-- / . .-.. ..-. -.-. .. .... / -.-- .--- / -..- .-.. --.- / -.. --. .-- --- . / .-.. ...- ... .-. / -..- -.-- -.- / .--- -- --. ...- -.-- .-.-.- / -- / .-- --- ...- .. / ..-. .-.. -..- .-. -- --.. -.- / --- .-. / ..-. .-.. ...- / .-.. .. -- ...- -.- -.-- / ... .-. / -.. -.- .-. .-.-.- / -....- / .. -- --. -- .... .-. / ...-- ...-- ----- .----

Vigenere emerge
xti ysrs fl xti imgmhr jmxpj xlq rov mw zli trxxc gfsiw xf stqr. xlq coklf fl ugijgmszw yqsxhvxmrs zt xti jevwijz txetkw elfcih yj xlq dgwoe lvsr xyk jmgvy. m wovi flxrmzk or flv limvky sr dkr. - imgmhr 3301

the song of the cicada fills the air as the party comes to open. the light of questions smoldering in the darkest places showed us the masks upon the faces. a fire burning in the hearts of men. - cicada 3301

ner ibh ernqi sbe gur fubj?

caesar13 or rot13
are vou readv for the show?

outguess password = 1067089

The masquerade is upon us. Vigenere+outguess for the Sounds from deep with within the notes

Need Deep Sound - emerge1067089


Enter a company of mutinous Citizens, with staves, clubs, and guns.

ywq usya ulhch muo h' oip syhxzs.
myzodm mpzplcm nc efpc fvro hgzo
clabmvgvx aglv ev'dm elspcvce sepf
ycdvhc efhd tys xzpzd bu ymzmc
eh qro,jlco'zs gtpzd mv tjy zyxx
nxoeynoitq xyro rwt spyci rvto
drppq izqt yun vstyt yyxx zce flb
chsp lpl lm sef npsym nc myadvx; qip vxp
zhaf cbce ozsf zhvp sef qoyh bmipniz
tg sef fpnoxu tpciz.

New video posted by Cicada 3301 actual
What do you see?


The best part has passed, these puzzles no longer matter other than the enjoyment of sovling them.

that's an opinon

so im tripping over the start phrase, and im pretty much new to cicada. i knew about it last year but i didnt follow it.

Eagle rain fire on the canaanite, as the merchant of wine challenges crys, the sword of lilly joins forces with jacob's adopted children.

is Eagle = U.S?
merchant of wine = babylon (cyrus took over babylon, this might be reaching)
jacobs adopted children = western culture?

their's another opinion.

The Eagles are most likely planes dropping bombs on middle east countries. The Merchant of wine has to be Saudi's, Wine = oil

Keep it up Defango! I love following the puzzle decodes that you do. I find this very interesting. =)

Nice work Defango. You rock!

monarch programming butterfly saves not defango

beware the butterfly effect
the theory of chaos is correct

butterfly symbol represents the monarch of all monarchs alphacore
the theory of chaos while interesting falls short of explaining him