‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’: Pompeo offers honest, if disturbing admission about CIA activity

in #cia6 years ago

In a rare moment of honesty, Mike Pompeo admitted to an audience that the CIA trains employees to “lie, cheat and steal.” While he seemed to find the whole thing funny, not everyone is amused, as RT found out.

The CIA often asks American citizens and international leaders to believe some extraordinarily high-stakes claims. From warning countries around the world not to invest in Huawei technology ‘compromised’ by Chinese state security funding to asserting that Moscow meddled in the elections and pushing Trump to expel Russian diplomats, it would seem that maintaining integrity and confidence would be a high priority for the intelligence agency.

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This is disturbing . . .

why is it always god bless america and never god bless russia or serbia or china lol what a disgrace the country has turned into.
who will stop these maniacs
im trying to keep up with all your news lol
cheers and have a great day