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RE: CNN's Christmas Perversion for KIDS + Trump "Saves" the Day!

in #christmas7 years ago

I recently watched a video where Tomi Lahren gave the kind of public accolade and glowing speech you would expect one to give a "god" as she gushed forth the praises of Don Trump. It was embarrassing. There are so many who are impressed with her, but what I witnessed was 22 minutes of trying to appeal to a certain political party as she mixed in multiple hypocritical anti-government/pro-government statements. It had nothing to do with morality and everything to do with "conservatism." People like her turn a blind eye to the gross immoralities of their own party simply because it "appears" to be against the opposing party. It's truly disheartening to see another staunch cult member in the religion of politics. If you want me to break that speech down...lemme know in the comments. If I get more than 100 comments on it I'll do it. When a person comes to the point where the ONLY thing that matters is doing the RIGHT thing, all of that person's cult-following days are over. All of his race-bating, political party stumping days have come to a close. This idea that he is somehow better or more entitled or that his party is superior, fades into nothingness. Justice, mercy, truth and love are really all that matters.