it is 4 kids trying to work together to achieve a similar goal with different visions of what they want the tree to look like in the end
Definitely, can relate to this! Have 4 siblings. Looking back, sometimes I wonder how the hell my parents were able to raise us! Congrats on making that work out for you. Thanks for sharing your story. Somehow, I'm realizing how different perspectives dads and mothers view Christmas! 😆
Cool Christmas tree, Cool Kids, and nice touch with the "very cool dumb rubber duckie"!
Yeah the 4 kids together haha, it really is amazing. Thankfully they all are wonderful little people so they don't cause too much trouble for us :D I am interested in understanding the different perspectives a mother may have on Christmas now though haha, my partner loves Christmas! I just love the people around me and seeing others happy.
Yeesss! I love that little duck haha