Why does Christmas make me happy?

in #christmas7 years ago

GWM_Christmas Charity Drive_Helen Des Bois from MixFM with Sam Toweel Moore from Growing Champions.jpgI like Christmas. No, wait, I LOVE Christmas.

I have been trying to figure this out for many years and I think I may have finally stumbled upon something that explains my feelings towards the festive season and more specifically, Christmas.

It isn't about the gift giving, nor the reflection of the birth of a very important infant.

For me, it is the memories. Thinking back on believing in the man in his red suit and all the magic it brought with it, as little minds contemplate the arrival of the jovial fellow. The reminder of living mostly care free as a child with little or no worry in a world that seemed simpler. The joy of being looked after and cared for by Mummy and Daddy and being able to completely immerse oneself in the season of silliness.
People always reminisce about childhood and how things were easier back in the day. In our case, I believe they were...no internet, no mobile phones, no selfies, just good quality time spent with the family. Lazy days by the pool and too much food. I am lucky and grateful for the upbringing I had.

I love Christmas now for being able to give this magic to my son and also the community who may need some assistance too. I hope that I can spread the passion and ease things with a smile or a small food parcel where needed.

Be aware and keep your heart open this Christmas as not everyone has a person to make it special.