My Christmas shopping experience was a dream come true!

in #christmas7 years ago

And so my journey began, This was my Christmas shopping experience, driving through my village my first encounter was the level crossing, where I waited for an eternity for not one but three trains to go about there business while I burned diesel waiting, like for some reason they have authority over motorists?

My next encounter was a normally hassle free set of traffic lights, but today there was a long cue of traffic, and the lights were red, however the lights soon changed to green and the motorist at the head of the cue was trying to engage his brain while at the same time solving the problem of world hunger and the national debt, as well as deciding what he was getting his aunt Lucy for Christmas, then finally he decided to move on and the light turned red again, but its OK cos he was alright.

This trend continued for a further 20 minutes and we were on our way to town, with only a 30 minute wait for a parking space to become free and we were shopping! Whoopy now we can spend money we don't have buying things we don't need for people we don't like, what fun.

The journey home was just as delightful, but at least the governor was happy, and peace overwhelmed me again, until the next regrettable shopping experience.

Do have a great Christmas and smile!