in #christiantrail7 years ago



Give others peoplemple opportunities to improve in characters, while you model the right character you want to see in them.


The best way to lead others is to lead oneself and thereby be the perfect example of how you want other people to live, so much so that you are not only showing the way, you are living it.


Don’t always forget that you were not born made, patience and exemplary life style will facilitate your expectations in others.

Don’t write anyone off, neither look down on anybody. We only know today, tomorrow we don’t know.

The stone rejected today may become the corner stone tomorrow. Give room for change and improvement.


Time reveals what people are truly made of, so give it time.

We are product of God's patience.


Don't forget to comment, resteem and vote


We all nees to be patient :). It is one of the most important thing in this world. Your time will come at the right place and at the right time :)

Yes, you said well. Thanks for reading

Hi @peakreal
I like this post.
Sorry I missed the deadline to help you out by upvoting.
I've followed you so will be watching for more posts like this!

Since I see you are from Africa maybe you could help me out...
I entered a contest to write about water

  • About half way down that page, take a look where it says
    Shall we start a Steemit charity to help?
  • Have you heard of the company KickStart that sells inexpensive water pumps?
    • If enough Steemians came together to purchase these for those needing them,
      • how would we go about finding those that need one?

God Bless
