Ecclesiastes 9:11 (NIV) I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.
A wonderful scripture I must confess. The inspiration behind this write-up is the a drop of water I happened to watch as it run down a metallic pole. As I was relaxing, lost in my thoughts, I chanced upon a drop of water as it run down a pole.
It all started as one big drop. As it run down the pole, i realized the drop began to fragment into smaller drops, these tiny drops began to race down the metallic pole at different speeds. How this happened I have no idea. I realized that, some drops who took the lead in the 'race' never made it to the end of the pole.Some drops started very good, they were in the lead, but all of a sudden they changed their trajectory and never made it to the end. Some drops also started well, but along the way, they stopped abruptly.Some drops however started slowly, but were able to increase their pace till the end. Notwithstanding the drops which started on a good note and ended very well as well.
As I sat to ponder about this, a thought struck me, this is actually what we humans go through. The big drop signifies the human race. The fragmentation of this drop into tiny one stands to represent the differences we have as humans. It signifies how unique each person is in his/her own way. The metallic pole signifies this journey of life we all are embarking on. Just like these tiny drops, some of us start very well, but along the way, we either lose focus or we allow somethings to hinder our progress. Before we realize we are never able to make it to the finish line our( self-actualized selves). Others also start on a very good note, maintain focus and are able to finish on a much better note. Not forgetting those who start not so well, but because they persisted and kept their focus, they ended very well.
From this post, beloved, all I just want tell you is, it doesn't matter where you are presently, keep your eyes on the finish line. Keep your eyes on that goal, if someone did it, why can't you? Press on, don't give up now, you are almost there. Keep on keeping on! Remember, Life is a highway, there's no need to compare yourself to someone else, we all have our different pathways.Take charge of opportunities that come your way and make the best out of them.
God Bless You!
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Alright, Thanks for the upvote.
Never compare yourself to anyone.
Stay original and be yourself
@originalworks #untalented
Some similarity seems to be present here:
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Yeah sure! Thank you for the advice