If find stupid to insert in the body a piece of electronic that will get obsolete. Then what? Removing it and replacing it with the latest?
By wearing it, it can at least be replaced without disturbances.
If find stupid to insert in the body a piece of electronic that will get obsolete. Then what? Removing it and replacing it with the latest?
By wearing it, it can at least be replaced without disturbances.
The fact your missing is this, anything implanted in the right hand or forehead that restricts your ability to buy or sell is the "Mark of the Beast". If you take the "Mark of the Beast" you cann't be saved and you will fall victim to the Great Deception by Lucifer! You have been warned!
Oh, on the point of it becoming obsolete, Lucifer only has to make it last 7 years (Long enough to get thru "The Great Tribulation").