God Man and Woman

in #christianity7 years ago

In the beginning was God.
When there was nothing there was God, God created the Heavens and the Skies, He created the Land and the Seas, He created the Mountains and Valleys, He created the Sun, Moon and the Stars, He created the Animals on the land, the Fish in the sea and the Birds in the air. He created them all before he created humans like you and me.

In his thoughts in all he had done he felt the need to make one more thing before calling it done. There seems to be something missing as he looked around. Let's make something from our own image and call it mankind, let's make it in our likeness with the image of God within them. Let's take some of this soil and dust upon the land and mold it perfectly and make a man. When the perfect shape had appeared as God was making man He breathed his life giving breathe into the nostrils of the molded dust and dirt that he called Man and he began to live on the land that God had created.

As time had passed by God saw that Man wasn't quite right, God saw the animals, birds and fish and saw they all had a companion, why didn't I do that for Man? He should have someone by his side as he goes on and roams the land.

While Man slept God had a plan, why don't I take a part of Man and make Woman? She will be a part of him as he is a part of my breathe and likeness of me. God thought about it deeply as Man was resting soundly in his sleep. If I make Woman from the top of his head, would she be above him? No that's not a good plan. Should I make Woman from his feet? No again I don't want Man to think Woman is below him. Should I make Woman from Man's backside? No that's not it. I don't want Man to think she is to be behind him all her life. What about the front of Man? perhaps from his chest, No God thought again, I don't want Woman in front of the Man. She should not be placed before Man because that is where I shall be.
God finally made a choice and decided to make Woman from the side of Man, so He took one of Man's ribs to create Woman before he breathed life into her. God saw that this was perfect because Man has Woman to be by his side, not in front, not behind, not above and not below. Along side each other they shall be, with me in front guiding them along the way. Lest they forget I am God and I came 1st, I created them and all the things around them. Without my light Man and Woman would not see, Without my Love they would have never come to be, Without my breathe of life they would never be alive, Without Me they would never have come to be part of Mankind that lives across the land. So go out and live and be glad your alive and remember it's me God who should always come 1st as Man and Woman shall walk together side by side.