"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The powers that be have been established by God." -- The Apostle Paul
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." -- Thomas Jefferson
These quotes, from two of my heroes, seem to be at odds. What is a Godly Patriot to do?
Well, I've published extensively on this topic right here on Steemit starting with this first article in a five-part series from two years ago.
Spoiler Alert: Sorry guys. The Bible takes precedence over the American Founding Fathers... by a smidge.
Drives my wife nuts when I set the cruise control according to the speed limit and let the rest of the traffic go whizzing past us. We must obey the governing authorities unless they contradict God. Speed limits don't contradict God. Rats.
So, all the work I do in the BitShares universe must comply with these two principles:
- Rigorous compliance with the The System.
- Vigorous efforts to reform The System...
...to be more compassionate, ethical, consistent, fair and wise.
So, that's what governs every thing I write, or say, or do.
Makes everybody equally angry.
So be it.
But, if you go back and look at all my articles and interviews, you'll find I give equal time to encouraging our communities and our governments to be more compassionate, ethical, consistent, fair and wise. Drives them all nuts. Heh heh.
BitShares - The Biblically Jeffersonian Blockchain
Let's look at how all this affects what we have been working on for BitShares over the past two years. First, here's a slide I'll be presenting at the BitShares, Bitcoin and Ethereum Superconference in Dallas this weekend:
Each one of these new super-high-quality tokens is exquisitely crafted to be fully compliant with all known global regulations.
We help innovative companies engineer products like these.
If you don't have a favorable opinion letter from a qualified attorney, we'll insist that you do before we take your case. To understand fully what this means, read our policy statements at stokens.com or bitcoinlatina.com or goldback.io or quintric.com or... well, you get the idea.
But it doesn't stop there. BitShares was engineered from the ground up to provide regulatory compliance support. We can't control what you say about your coin off line, but we can enforce whatever compliance policies you embrace.
Beyond that, I recently commissioned the first phase of a comprehensive upgrade to the BitShares ecosystem, taking it from the World's First Industrial Grade blockchain to the World's First Institutional Grade blockchain -- fully compliant and licensed for global operations around the world so that institutional investors can use it. You can't do that without taking compliance very seriously...and we'll do it without changing BitShares while growing its value enormously.
So when you hear me urging the world's authorities to take a new look at how our industry should be governed and regulated, don't misunderstand what I am up to. I am equally committed to improving our levels of compliance and that with which we must comply.
Here's another slide from Sunday's pitch. You'll have to wait for another post on that one, but this should tell you that we aim to comply and thrive on six continents, connecting the New Silk Route Museum projects in Asia, America and Europe to the BitcoinLatina projects in Latin America to the Legacy Systems of the British Commonwealth to the remotest unbanked regions of the world.
It's not exactly rocket science.
God has his hand on your life. You're doing His work! All the glory to Jesus.
I once heard that Bitshares didn't meet the SEC compliance because it was looked as security, and now you say that it is SEC compliant. Can anyone please refer to some source links? thank you very much.
BitShares was mined into existence like bitcoin. The only thing about it is the name - but the shares refer to the high grade fully compliant registered security tokens it is capable of trading, not to the underlying reference token.
Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God.
Show me a Bitcoin. Whose likeness and inscription is on it?
This is a brilliant point.
regulations are coming.
BTC will be controled one day. Exchanges are already being regulated.
The future is in DEXs (Decentralized EXchanges) that will be (almost) fully decentralized and immune to regulation.
I can't stand this quote. It basically says that the government (ie. Caesar) has domain over you.
Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God."
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
Matthew 6:24 KJV
cool story. #taxationistheft
+5% @stan
Nice Stan
Interesting post! I need to learn more about BitShares! I’ve heard some things about it and all signs pointing to great opportunity! From what I understand, it’s just a tougher sale to make to investors, because they’re just trying to get their heads wrapped around crypto currencies, let alone exchanges. Thanks for your post and I’ll keep an eye out for more! :-)
I am a big fan of you and your sons work. I am looking foreword to a bright future in the Bitshares ecosystem...
Great job Stan, you have my full support. Please can you tell me is there a chance for Bitshares implementation on EOS?
Better than that...
Nice 👍😁
Care to elaborate Mr Larimer? :-)
yes, please do @stan!
SteemBotTracker Delegation Tool.sir @rhanna10km, I was looking to contact you and it brought me here on this amazing post. I am running @spydo as bid-bot and want some good amount of delegation to increase vote value to serve users better. As return you will be getting 85% of daily reward payout generated from delegation. for instance, on average 12 SBD daily for 10k delegation. If you wish to give it a try you can delegate using
bitshares 3.0 ? : )
Built on EOS?
Tune in for lots more to come too! 😀👏👏👏😉
@stan has hinted to "this stuff" several times on Blue Rock Talk with Connie Willis. Check out some recent past shows.. https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueRockTalkwithConnieWillis ~ @bluerocktalk🖖
I'm sure I heard Dan doing an Interview in Ivan On Tech YouTube channel, in which he said Bitshares couldn't run on EOS. Stan must have something even better planned !
My friends and family to sign upto Bitshares !@stan you can't leave us hanging like that lol please tell ! I hear also Bitfinix are going to be creating EOSFinix DEX on EOS any thoughts ? Great post by the way ! It's because of your values that I will be telling all
Got to wait till our design team weighs in. They will blaze the trail.
please @stan am new here was wondering if you can up vote my post https://steemit.com/photography/@wissyofenmu/father-and-son
Don't ask for people to vote on your posts. You will get down voted. The best thing to do when you are new is to read posts and make good, useful comments. If people like your comments they might follow you.
thanks a lot am so grateful for the advice....
Duplicate post...
please are you on telegram,so I can get to have a private message with you
No, but I'm on steemit.chat
have been trying to open that page it doesn't work, any help with that??
@stan, great post, resteemed, will you be looking at avenues for people to lease out their BTS on the platform like some people do on Steem. I am not sure how the process of staking works on BTS, but this might give people a chance to earn more BTS?
Would love to know your Vision on what you see the BTS platform developing into in say the next 10 years.
Talking about that in Dallas tomorrow as the last speaker at the Bitcoin Superconference
@stan nice post, resteemed, so your a Vegemite fan, I see, I saw it proudly on the stand behind you in your shelf. Some of our overseas friends don't like it much, but most Aussies grew up on it and we love it.
From a friend in the Land Down Under...
You are a champion of Freedom. Keep doing the amazing work. Let's work together to build that better future our world so desperately needs to come to light.@stan
Really great information nice post thanks for sharing sir...resteemit
It is always good to rely on God and not to human motive...
I like your priorities, Stan. This is one of many reasons that I tell my friends and family to invest in Bitshares. The way you see the world is the way I would like it to be.
Nice article on spreading peace on Earth. Slavery is unjust. We need good leadership and God has given we the power of free will. hanks for posting this article.
Can you give some examples of the regulations you are complying to?
Ultimately, all of them.
What regulations are there where can I find those laws in written form? US government I assume. I did not get behind blockchain and crypto's to see the government turn them into another way to limit and enslave their citizens. That's what Russia and China are doing right now
Do you have any specific examples? Ie from your previous life, DO-178b?
The body of regulations does not compile.
Oh what a tangled web they weave.
upvote and resteemit done dear......
keep it on...
You are doing a great job sir, keep up the good work..
I liked the words very deep, other thinking and wonderful approach Thank you for your helpful publication, as usual
Have a great time in Dallas!
Magnificence to God - His Creation and Works
Respect, adulate, fame, refinement - all are words synonymous with magnificence. As a sign of crafted by His hands, all creation conveys grandness to God. In Genesis 1:31 we read, "God saw all that he had made, and it was great. Also, there was evening, and there was morning-the 6th day." Psalm 19:1 says, "The sky announce the magnificence of God; the skies broadcast crafted by his hands." God's extremely work lauds Him and brings Him wonderfulness.
@cryptogrounds are right sir @stan God has his hand on your life. You're doing His work! All the wonderfulness to Jesus.
The two quotes you used at the beginning are spot-on awesome! I am with you 100% and am very grateful that you are a key leadership voice in Bitshares. I wish you the best in your upcoming presentation.
This is very good, whether you are an Islamic.
Hey, brother @stan,
Even though you've bought into the mistranslation and misapplication of Romans 13:1, I still love you and greatly admire the work you're doing to help us all push back
Thank you, and I pray great and continued blessings on you.

I've missed our debates! You are a worthy sparring partner!
Alas, Peter agrees with Paul in 1 Peter 2:13-21:
Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good.For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men — as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.— Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh. For this is commendable, if because of conscience toward God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully. For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God. For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps…
It always good to encourage people!!!!! You're God advocate on earth.
Happy to see you are bold about your faith. Glory be to GOD !!!
This is freakin cool! Thank you for the post!
You’re a bad ass, mate.
Cheers to hope and faith!
Nice way to interconnect scripture and cryptocurrency. But all the same, you do it for the betterment of people and I admire that. Keep going☺
trust and faith in God
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities..."
I am not an American, but from what I I understand your Constitution is the top of the heap governing authority in your country. And the Constitution states clearly that any power not specifically given to the Federal government is retained by the states or the people. Am I not right?
Also, any law that is not constitutional is null and void. Am I not correct in that?
And weren't some of the earliest Christians martyred specifically for refusing an Emperor's edict to worship him (the Emperor)? At least that was what I was told.
But, for all that (which helps inform my personal philosophy for governing my own actions), I REALLY DO APPLAUD THE WAY YOU HAVE BEEN GOING ABOUT YOUR BITHARES EFFORTS.
Thank you!
Good questions. Yes, a command to worship anything but God should be disobeyed. Yes, the constitution overrides all else (in theory) except We The People, and God. Yes, the 9th and 10th amendments say that the FEDs can't do what they do. Yes,
An early ruling of the Supreme Court clearly spells this out:
"An unconstitutional act is not law;
it confers no rights;
it imposes no duties;
it affords no protection;
it creates no office;
it is in legal contemplation,
as inoperative as though it had never been passed."
Interesting.... The word of God on your lips is God talking.... Bitshares the revelation of Blockchains
That's really cool on the news from you
Looking forward to your presentation this weekend. I am so psyched for the conference!
Dear @stan We could implement Staking into Bitshares like they do @stakeunited
let's do this much $ at stake!!!
@stan thank sir great article That is really amazing what you're doing! Wish you great luck with ##Upvote/Resteem###
Bless your heart for setting as a good example. 😊 May the Lord bless you a hundred fold of your blessings.😊
Very interesting post sir just wonderful post sir thanks for sharing with us

@upvoted sir
Warm regards,
please voteback ..
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Thank You! ⚜
I voted this up 100% Stan, but it saddens me you've been derelict in your curation duties to watch what I've been posting lately. (I know you're extremely busy... and that must be the reason) The last 2 posts I made are very Stan upvote worthy and if you read them, you'd like them.
I hope you come see... I've spent a lot of time and effort spreading truth, much like you do, that identifies the issues going on right now and putting a healthy spin on it.
Interesting. On the Block Media just did an interview with a company that uses the BitShares blockchain - I'd be interested to hear what you think: https://steemit.com/blockchain/@rebeccamqamelo/the-messianic-symbol-gets-real-blockchain-in-africa
click here.Congratulations @stan, this post is the fifth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 380 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $10167.14. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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I have very great trust and belief in bitshares.
I just hope it's not being marketed it as a Christian/biblical project. I think it's so much more than that.
It's a chance to connect and help each other in ways that were more difficult before.
I know Christianity is mainstream in most American countries but in Europe and most of the continents you mention, it drives a lot of us away.
At least in Europe, Christianity has been misused to fight countless wars and left us with a fear of anything remotely religious, even meditation.
To me bitshares is about peace, simplicity and prosperity, which I think all religious (and non-religious like me) can agree on and work together to promote.
Does it make sense?
Christianity is not the same as bad people claiming to be Christian.
Christianity is like pennicilin. Should I not tell people about the cure?
And why is it I can't quote wisdom from any source? What is it about a quote from the Bible that has to be kept out of secular discussions when anything else goes... in the name of tolerance?
The way I know Christianity is true is that it is the only belief system that is shouted down.
Ever notice that?
All I'm saying is that there are not too many high quality posts about bitshares at the moment. So I always try to read from people like you who have been there from the beginning and who have much greater insight than me.
And i know bitshares is decentralized so no single person can lead it. But to People like me who are new to bitshares you are a sort of spiritual leader based on your knowledge and experience with bts.
In Europe I would say that the religions that are most shouted down and ridiculed are Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and then Christianity as a distant 4th. That doesn't make any of them more true than others, and there is probably good inspiration to be found in any philosophy.
I think everyone is free to quote whatever inspires them. I was just commenting on calling bitshares: "The Biblically Jeffersonian Blockchain".
That being the godfather of bitshares and calling it a biblical blockchain can drive people away from the project.
Anyway, it's just one opinion. Keep up the good work promoting bts.
I think the issue is quite a bit more complex than a couple of proof texts, but I could be wrong (which I assume you addressed in the posts you mentioned). I also do not believe this is an issue that should effect fellowship.
It is interesting that the only way the powers God puts in place (including America) are generally put there by people (like our Christian Forefathers) who are disobeying the text in question...of course they often create some reason why what they are doing is justified because the previous government is doing something obviously opposed to God's law (taxation with representation ?) I guess we should all be British...actually, I guess we should all be Roman.
Pretty thought provoking! Thanks for helping keep our noodles honed! Upvoted and following!
Fantastic read, BTS is a great buy.