True Message of Jesus Chrst

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Jesus true message and Good News was freedom from religion, and duality, and that God the Father is Agape...Somehow the Good News was twisted by men no different then the OC Judaism....Jesus came to deliver all from the bondage and lies of religion, a lie that created a works based relationship with a angry and narcissist god created by the imagination of man...
Jesus wanted those that would listen to know that God is Within and is Love and that the evil works of religion must be exposed.....
This is what many of us are called to do, to share the real Good News of Grace and Agape, Oneness and it will cost you, and me....Lets help set the captive free from the bondage and slavery of instutional religion.....

The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil.
John 7:7 NKJV

The world Jesus was referring to was that of the OC Law which represented Religion, duality.....

Much Love and Blessings

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good article freind

amazing msg

Great post thank you for shairing

really true words

nice post

superb post i like it . i will check your blog you work great

good work thank you for sharing

i like it

nice post @positivechange10 true writing is a hard work

thanks for sharing


Jesus loves everyone of us and want all people to be saved. Please check my last post and Tell me what you think thank you, blessings.

"Good News of Grace and Agape, Oneness..." Wow!

Let's love... love... love... ^_^

Thank you for following and sharing the Truth of Christ!
Wishing you Peace, Love and Joy always
glad to follow and share ❤❤❤