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RE: Copyright Violation - Why it is morally wrong

in #christianity8 years ago

I thank you very much for your very long answer, and I have to excuse myself for my unusual and probably harsh and rash words. If I were forced to label myself, I would say that I am an anarchist, suspicious of every form of power directed to control people (thus against a copyright law). I very strongly believe in most christian values which are not directed to preserve the positions of power of only a few people ( e.g. the system of "church"). As a christian without a church I believe that hard work is always rewarded, not always in money, but in friendship, good relationships, knowledge, a fulfilled life, satisfaction and many other good things that are way more valuable than money. (You know that, I am sure, so who am I to lecture and unfortunately having money does not really hurt) Very often our "rewards" come from another place than we expect or where it is due. Thus "Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity" is true for me in any case.

The second part "hasty shortcuts lead to poverty" is for me the short thinking that it is ok to force people into anything, or to be angry about the outcome of a situation (e.g. a person taking your picture without mentioning you and without paying you). I could imagine that your feeling while you wrote that article made your day worse, made it poorer than it could have been.

Why I think that this interpretation could be right... easy... the whole bible is NOT about money, but about a way of living and about giving good example.

Unfortunately I, myself am sometimes far away from these words and I have to remind myself very often to rethink my own behaviour and my feelings.

I strongly believe that the evil prospers, because we forgot what "prosper" really means. Prosper means to grasp "Self" to develop conscience and morals and to live them and give example. Making laws and rules, forcing and condemming people into what WE believe is in my opinion the opposite of giving good examples.

Again I have to ask for your forgiveness, because my first answer was directed to a 25 year old photographer lost in beginning ideas of christianity and promoting state power and copyright laws, using a harsher tone than I would have, if I had met you in person ( I didn't even read the whole article at first ). As I now know that you have a quick, active and quite experienced brain, I hope I was able to explain at least parts of my perspective.

Thank you!
