Hello Steemit Community! Who was the Biblical character of Nimrod?

in #christianity7 years ago

Hello everyone! This is my first post and I just wanted to briefly introduce myself and let you know what I'll be focusing on in the coming months. I am a family pastor in the San Francisco Bay Area and have a few distinct passions in this season of my life. 1. My family (wife, 2 boys and 1 girl on the way) 2. God's word (OT, NT and some non-canonical writings when they are reinforced and confirmed by scripture) 3. Gold / Silver Markets and Cryptocurrency. As such, I will be focusing my writings mostly on Biblical topics that I can't usually share among my congregation or youth group (fallen angels, eschatology, biblical cosmology etc.), the emerging markets and technology focused around anything involving the blockchain, and parenting / raising a family / the state of the family in U.S. culture today. Here we go with the first short topic...

Just who was the Biblical character Nimrod?

Without a doubt, the first blatantly anti-Christ-like figure that we read about in scripture is someone the Bible refers to as Nimrod. This individual is very significant for a lot of reasons which I hope will become apparent by the end of this blog. I believe Nimrod was in fact a giant like so many of his cousins.

Genesis 10:8-9King James Version (KJV)

8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

9 He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.

In his book, The Giza Discovery, author Peter Goodgame has done a masterful job of laying the foundation of who this guy was to the ancient world... and who he will be in the days ahead. The Bible calls him Nimrod, but to the ancients he was known as:


There are others, but I primarily want to focus on the first and the last in the list above. Before I do that, I'd like to explain why he is known by so many names.

The Bible tells us about one of the things Nimrod did that made him famous. He was the one who orchestrated the building of the Tower of Babel. According to the Book of Jasher,[1] Nimrod led a team of three camps, each with a special mission to accomplish with the completion of the Tower. One camp intended to kill God. Another intended to strike Him with bows and spears. The third planned to set up their false gods and worship them in Heaven. So what we see here are the attributes of the first Anti-Christ. He wanted to kill God and set up a One World System, with himself as God. But when God saw all that they intended to do, He decided to do something about it.

The first thing we must realize is that the Tower of Babel was not just a tall building. God didn't freak out when we built the World Trade Center buildings. No. I suspect that what Nimrod was building is what we might call a "Stargate" today. The Tower of Babel was literally a portal through which Nimrod intended to reach into Heaven. And apparently, this was possible.

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

  • Genesis 11:4-7 (KJV)

it would seem that Nimrod's plan was possible - at least in the sense of "reaching into Heaven." We know that we can't build a building that is high enough to literally enter into the "Third Heaven" where God dwells, therefore something else must be meant by this. Somehow, Nimrod and his people created something that could "bridge" our world and that of the Heavenly realm. But God put a stop to it. He confounded their speech and separated the people of the earth.

In the New Living Translation, Deuteronomy 32:8 says,

When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number in his heavenly court.

I chose that translation, because it seems to be more accurate than most other translations that render the last part as, "according to the children of Israel." The NLT seems to draw its translation of this verse from the Septuagint which says, "according to the angels of God." In Barne's Notes on the Bible, the author writes,

"Some texts of the Greek version have "according to the number of the Angels of God;" following apparently not a different reading, but the Jewish notion that the nations of the earth are seventy in number (compare Genesis 10:1 note), and that each has its own guardian Angel (compare Ecclus. 17:17). This was possibly suggested by an apprehension that the literal rendering might prove invidious to the many Gentiles who would read the Greek version."

King Wells, the author of Ancient Myths and the Bible reinforces this belief on pages 12 and 13 of his book:

Remember, we must prove a thesis from more than one source, so let's look at Deut. 4:19:

And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

Once again, we see that God divided the nations according to the host of heaven, and throughout the scriptures the host of heaven has referred to the angels...

The Book of Jasher confirms this idea as well. In chapter 48:43, it describes the throne of Pharaoh as follows.

And the throne on which the king sat was covered with gold and silver and onyx stones, and it had seventy steps.

The narrative goes on to describe the reasons for the seventy steps, stating that they represent the 70 languages of man. Note verses 45b-47:

Also any man who understood to speak in all the seventy languages, he ascended the seventy steps, and went up and spoke till he reached the king. And any man who could not complete the seventy, he ascended as many steps as the languages which he knew to speak in. It was customary in those days in Egypt that no one should reign over them, but one who understood to speak in the seventy languages.

In the next chapter (of Jasher), we see in the account of Joseph being made second in charge of Egypt, that Pharaoh's officers protested the idea of someone ruling over them who did not know all 70 languages. This would have presented a problem for Joseph if it were not for an angel of the Lord coming to him that night and teaching him all 70 languages (Jasher 49:9-18).

What's the point? The point is simply this: after the confusion of the tongues at the Tower of Babel, men went away talking about the same guy (Nimrod), only now in their new language. Thus Nimrod, the great and mighty warrior-hunter-god-king, became known by many different names throughout the world. With 70 different nations/languages coming out of that one event, it is now easy to understand how Nimrod could be known by at least 70 different names!

Earlier, I said I wanted to focus on two names in particular; Gilgamesh and Osiris. Let's start with Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest stories ever written. Many people have made the connection that Gilgamesh is just one of many names for Nimrod. David Livingston does a good job of making the Nimrod-Gilgamesh connection, and the Internet is literally loaded with information and resources that testify to the two names representing the same individual.

He is often depicted as a giant and the ancient text also makes the statement that he was "2/3 god and 1/3 man." This would certainly seem to support the "Nephilim genetics" (more on that in subsequent blogs) case I'm making regarding the children of Ham.

There is much I could write about concerning Gilgamesh, but that's all I will focus on for now. I will return to this character again shortly. Now, let's turn our attention to Osiris.

Osiris is a VERY well known character in both history and mythology. He plays a prominent role in secret societies and even in our own government. But more than that, I believe he is the central character we need to look at when it comes to understanding the times we live in and what is to come in the near future.

For instance, did you know that Osiris is the only other god of antiquity apart from Yeshua that was known as, "The King of kings and Lord of lords?"

"...he is exceedingly mighty and most terrible in his name 'Osiris'; he endureth for ever and for ever in his name of 'Un-nefer.' Homage be to thee, O King of kings, Lord of lords, Ruler of princes, who from the womb of Nut hast ruled the world and the Underworld..."

  • Excerpt from a Hymn to Osiris in the Book of the Dead


Peter Goodgame has done an amazing job of connecting the dots and explaining the Osiris myth, so I won't go over it all here.
There are however a few things that I would like to point out here in order to set the stage for some of the conclusions I will draw later.

Osiris' symbol is the ankh, which looks remarkably like a cross. One dominant theory is that the "loop" at the top of the ankh represents resurrection - as in the rebirth of the sun. This would seem to go along with the NUMEROUS dying and resurrecting sun gods born on December 25th that are found in the ancient world. And suffice it to say, it is not by chance, coincidence or accident that the Son of God was crucified on the symbol of the sun god!

With that in mind, I feel it is important to note that in Nimrod's incarnation as Osiris, you can truly see a mirror (reversed) image of Jesus. Where Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah, Osiris is the exact antithesis. He is the sun god, the false messiah, the ANTI-Christ! This is one of the primary reasons why I believe Christians should have absolutely nothing to do with associating Jesus Christ and the date, December 25th. It was NOT Jesus' birthday. It was the birthday of Nimrod/Osiris/Baal/Mithra.

Needless to say, "Christmas Day" (as defined by December 25th) is not Jesus Christ's birthday, but rather the birthday of the Anti-Christ - the dying and resurrecting sun god of antiquity... who hasn't resurrected yet.

Hasn't resurrected yet? What's that about???

In the Book of Revelation, Jesus is repeatedly referred to as "the One who was and is and is to come." That theme carries through the early part of the book, but once you get to chapter 13, you start to read about a "Beast" who is later described (in chapter 17:8-11) as the one who "was and is NOT and yet shall be." More on that later.

The other thing I want to point out regarding the Osiris-Nimrod connection is their association with one of the most prominent and easily identifiable constellations in the sky - Orion. Like Gilgamesh and Nimrod, Orion is also known as "the mighty hunter." In The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, the author writes the following (in Chapter 2, Death of the Child)
Though we do not find any account of Mysteries observed in Greece in memory of Orion, the giant and mighty hunter celebrated by Homer, under that name, yet he was represented symbolically as having died in a similar way to that in which Osiris died, and as having then been translated to heaven. *

Ovid represents Orion as so puffed up with pride on account of his great strength, as vain-gloriously to boast that no creature on earth could cope with him, whereupon a scorpion appeared, "and," says the poet, "he was added to the stars." The name of a scorpion in Chaldee is Akrab; but Ak-rab, thus divided, signifies "THE GREAT OPPRESSOR," and this is the hidden meaning of the Scorpion as represented in the Zodiac. That sign typifies him who cut off the Babylonian god, and suppressed the system he set up. It was while the sun was in Scorpio that Osiris in Egypt "disappeared" (WILKINSON), and great lamentations were made for his disappearance. Another subject was mixed up with the death of the Egyptian god; but it is specially to be noticed that, as it was in consequence of a conflict with a scorpion that Orion was "added to the stars," so it was when the scorpion was in the ascendant that Osiris "disappeared."

From Persian records we are expressly assured that it was Nimrod who was deified after his death by the name of Orion, and placed among the stars...

So, now that we have connected Nimrod with Gilgamesh, Osiris and Orion, I will begin to pull it all together and paint a picture that I believe perfectly illustrates what is to come.

Everyone knows the Giza plateau is aligned to the "belt" of the Orion Constellation. The Giza plateau has received a lot of attention throughout history, but never as much as I believe it is now and will in the very near future. In 1999, Zahi Hawass, the current Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, claimed to have found the burial tomb of Osiris below the Giza Plateau.[3]

"I have found a shaft, going 29 meters vertically down into the ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren Pyramid and the Sphinx. At the bottom, which was filled with water, we have found a burial chamber with four pillars. In the middle is a large granite sarcophagus, which I expect to be the grave of Osiris, the god…I have been digging in Egypt’s sand for more than 30 years, and up to date this is the most exciting discovery I have made…. We found the shaft in November and began pumping up the water recently. So several years will pass before we have finished investigating the find."

That was more than ten years ago! Just imagine what they've found under the Giza plateau since then!

A few years later, another astonishing (and related) discovery was made, but this time in the desert of Iraq. On Tuesday, the 29th of April, 2003, a BBC news report came out announcing that archeologists had discovered the tomb of Gilgamesh! I have copied the entire article below (because it would not surprise me if it disappears from the original BBC web site soon).

Gilgamesh tomb believed found!
Archaeologists in Iraq believe they may have found the lost tomb of King Gilgamesh - the subject of the oldest "book" in history.

King Gilgamesh, commemorated in stone, kills a lion
Gilgamesh was believed to be two-thirds god, one-third human
The Epic Of Gilgamesh - written by a Middle Eastern scholar 2,500 years before the birth of Christ - commemorated the life of the ruler of the city of Uruk, from which Iraq gets its name.

Now, a German-led expedition has discovered what is thought to be the entire city of Uruk - including, where the Euphrates once flowed, the last resting place of its famous King.

"I don't want to say definitely it was the grave of King Gilgamesh, but it looks very similar to that described in the epic," Jorg Fassbinder, of the Bavarian department of Historical Monuments in Munich, told the BBC World Service's Science in Action programme.

In the book - actually a set of inscribed clay tablets - Gilgamesh was described as having been buried under the Euphrates, in a tomb apparently constructed when the waters of the ancient river parted following his death.

"We found just outside the city an area in the middle of the former Euphrates river the remains of such a building which could be interpreted as a burial," Mr Fassbinder said.

Who can compare with him in kingliness? Who can say, like Gilgamesh, I am king?

The Epic Of Gilgamesh
He said the amazing discovery of the ancient city under the Iraqi desert had been made possible by modern technology.

"By differences in magnetisation in the soil, you can look into the ground," Mr Fassbinder added.

"The difference between mudbricks and sediments in the Euphrates river gives a very detailed structure."

This creates a magnetogram, which is then digitally mapped, effectively giving a town plan of Uruk.

'Venice in the desert'

Archaeologists excavate the Euphrates
Iraq has long been the site of some of the most important historical finds
"The most surprising thing was that we found structures already described by Gilgamesh," Mr Fassbinder stated.

"We covered more than 100 hectares. We have found garden structures and field structures as described in the epic, and we found Babylonian houses."

But he said the most astonishing find was an incredibly sophisticated system of canals.

"Very clearly, we can see in the canals some structures showing that flooding destroyed some houses, which means it was a highly developed system.

"[It was] like Venice in the desert."

I hope this short overview of my findings so far with regard to Nimrod will encourage you to seek out the truth for yourself and draw closer to Christ through that knowledge, understanding and wisdom. God bless and see you next time!


Welcome to Steemit, @pastor-evan. I enjoyed your article on Nimrod. I read many articles in the #christianity tag. Reading so many articles make it difficult when some articles are very lengthy. If it suits your purposes, I would like to see articles like this broken up into parts and posted over a few days or even weeks.

I hope you enjoy your time on Steemit. May your joy be overflowing.

Welcome to Steemit. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)

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