OH The Unbearable Taxes

in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

A powerful man of God once said that when the leaders are void of the revelation of God, they end up taxing mangoes. we are all witness of what is going on in uganda. However, at the risk of being misunderstood, I will say that I don't agree with this idea of portraying all ugandans as victims in this. Some of us have a God in Heaven. So it makes no different whether the taxes are high or low.

I think the church should view this in light of the word of God not human wisdom. This brings up the question of  "What does the word say ?" as regards this situation.

Isaiah 59:19 "when the enemy shall come in like a flood the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him".Therefore we're victors not victims. I am personally never mindful of prices and tax increments because I have come to prove the God in me as greater than anything in the world. I actually use such time to adjust and increase my internal capacity. To me these times put up a demand on the manifestation of the son of God in me. The one all creation has been waiting for. But think about this if the church cries, where then is the hope for the none believers? we have a calling to showcase the manifold wisdom of God to the world in all things(ephesians 3:10).

But more so there's a prophetic promise that hangs over every child of God concerning such times. In Isaiah 60:12, the lord promises us a great manifestation of his glory in our lives as his children. The sign he gives us to its time is when darkness begins catch in the world.

In this case, darkness refers to unreasonable hardship that presents itself without a way out.  Think about it. while the government feels they have no other alternative of increasing revenue base which they have no other alternative of increasing revenue base which they need to deliver services, the people feel the government is after making them suffer. This predicament is part of what call GROSS DARKNESS. And its because they don't have revelation of God.

God' message to the body of Christ is that now is the appointed time for you  to enter greater places. It's God who appointed that his glory shall coincide with darkness in the world. Therefore agree with his plan and follow suit. It is time to rise.