
Memory Verse; Hebrews 5:4 “ And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.
Lesson Aim: To teach the children to seek for honour that comes only from God Central Truth: Only those that God honour that will be honoured
There are honour that comes from God and there are some that come from human being. But there is a major difference between the two honour. When God honour a man, it is real, permanent and glorious. Just like He did to Joshua who was a servant to Moses, the honour from God changed his status from servant to become a master. Joshua 3:7 “And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day will I begin to magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as l was with Moses, so I will be with thee. " Honour that comes from people are temporary and not real. The best honour is from God.

Study Guide

What kinds of people does God honour?

  • Those who serve him. John 12: 26. The world may not honour those who serve God, but the Lord will surely honour those who serve Him.
  • Those who honour Him -1 Samuel 2:30. God honours us when we honour Him
    and give Him the glory due to Him. We must give him all the praise and worship He deserves.
  • Those who love Him Psalm 91 :14-15. God honours us when we love Him with all our heart. God delights in those who delight in Him.
  • Those who humble themselves 1 Peter 5:5-6; James 4:10; Luke 14:11. God
    honours us when we humble ourselves. He will lift us up and promote us to higher levels when we remain humble at all times. - Those who experienced humiliation Isaiah 61 :7. God honours us with a double portion for the shame and humiliation we may have faced for His sake. He will all us with joy and gladness.

Ways God honours His children

  • By promoting them. Genesis. 41:39-44 . - - God gives His children power over there enemies. Psalm 149:6-9
  • God comforts and heal their broken heart. Psalm 71 :20-21 4.
  • By anointing them before their enemies. Psalm 23:5 5.
    -By providing answers to their prayers Psalm 91 :15 6.
    -He shows them love. Jeremiah 31:3.7