Risk Whatever it Takes

Risk whatever it takes to see Christ, Risk whatever it takes to make it to heaven. This is a word that every one of us must convey in our heart.
I remember sharing a true life story some time ago here on Facebook, of a lady who was present in a church service--- the preacher was preaching on repentance and urging the whole congregation to repent and give their lives totally to Jesus. A couple of people stood up to make that decision, but this lady sat down. The preacher persisted, he even walked up to the lady and told her that the Holy Spirit wants her to repent and get saved.

This lady cried and cried, and she told the preacher that the Holy Spirit has been convicting her to repent--- but she doesn’t want to repent at the moment. And her reason was that she has a boyfriend that she lives with, the boyfriend takes care of her and pays her bills. She said she’s afraid of losing him as a result of giving her life to Jesus Christ. So she said that she was going to make Jesus her Lord and Saviour sometime in the future.

After the church service, as she was about crossing the road, a car knocked her down and she died at instant. After few minutes, the boyfriend to the lady came to the spot where the accident had occurred--- and he was told all that had happened. When he heard all that had happened, he ran into the church to give his life to Jesus Christ. This is a true life story……

You and I are in a race, it’s a heavenly race. This is a race that we cannot afford to lose. We must risk whatever it takes to win that race, it may cost you your life, it may cost you your friends, but of a truth--- it will cost you something and you must be willing to lay down whatever it will cost you.

It is a dangerous thing to live without Jesus. And as you read this today, I want you to search your heart--- have you given your life to Jesus Christ? Have you made that decision to live a life that is pleasing to God?
You don’t need anyone to tell you that you are not living a life that is pleasing to God. If you can be truthful to yourself, you will know that you ought to give your life to Jesus Christ.

You will never regret giving your life to Jesus. Billy Graham said “I have never seen a man who regrets for giving his life to Jesus”
Risk whatever it takes.

Let us pray
If you’ve never received Jesus Christ as your saviour, bow your head this minute and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save you. Don’t put it off another second!
Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and unless you save me I am lost forever. I thank you for dying for me at Calvary. I come to you now, Lord the best way I know how, and ask you to save me. I now receive you as my saviour. In Jesus Christ name. Amen


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I am very happy to read your post.
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thank you @kingsley-clement

By @masykur18