7 applications of the blood

in #christianity6 years ago

Applications of the blood-Text: Leviticus 16: 14

  1. Redemption - This means being bought back. Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Psalm 107:2
  2. Cleansing* - This is a continuous experience of washing from sin. 1 John 1:7; Psalm 51:7
  3. Justification* - This means to make righteous. Romans 5:9; Hebrews 10: 16-17 Continuation.
  4. Sanctification - Hebrews 13:12. The word sanctification is directly related to the word for holiness. Sanct - Saint. Sanctification is to make saintly or holy. Sanctification has 2 aspects: We are separated from sin and its effects and set apart unto God and His benefits. We are made holy with God’s holiness. Sanctification is God bringing into your life a distinguishing barrier between believers and unbelievers just like the between Israel in Goshen and Egypt.
  5. Life* - Leviticus 17: 11 says that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Isaiah 53:12. The life of God is in the blood of Jesus Christ - John 6: 53-57. When I receive the communion in faith, it becomes the blood of Jesus. There is more power in one drop of the blood of Jesus than you have in the entire kingdom of darkness. The life of the creator is infinitely greater than the life of the created. Anyone that has the life of God activated in him cannot experience the effects of sin.
  6. Intercession* - Hebrews 12: 21-23. As we come onto God's presence, the blood of Jesus is constantly sprinkling and speaking better things for us than the blood of Abel.
    There is a great difference between the blood of Jesus and the blood of Abel. Abel’s blood was shed against his will, on the earth. Jesus blood was shed willingly, sprinkled in the holy of hollies.
  7. Access- Hebrews 10:19-23.
    The whole purpose of all these applications is ultimately to give us access into the holiest of all where God dwells, where we can appeal any matter and get victory as long as we can “hold fast to our profession”-keep saying what the word of God says without wavering. Like a seat belt keeps you steady in turbulence, your confession keeps you secure in the face of circumstances.