in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

Dear Christians
it's with a sad heart that I write this painful awakening. Everything that Jesus died to make available for us has now been perverted. The question now is: by who?
Please be patient and when am done you will agree with my following assertion.
#the #church #has #failed #us🤔
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The church has lost sight of the core teachings of Jesus and are decided by denomination. Each pastor fighting to be better than the next and they even go as far as poaching members from other churches.

The greater shock of my life is that the church is no longer poor but the people in the church are which is shocking because the people are supposed to the the church and a poor people equals a poor church but today the reverse is the case.

In Africa, the celebrities are not movie Stars or musician but rather pastor are the celebrities.
Am very sorry if I sound judgemental, it's all for a reason.
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My former church was a very big one with huge buildings and lots of members. In this very church where offerings are collected in millions. I met a family who in this church that was experiencing dying times.
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The man confided in me saying he has made up his mind to commit suicide. He said to feed just a course meal is an issue and he has been going to the church for help but to no avail.

I asked what he intended doing with his 2 daughters and a son. He replied that he intend taking them along with him.
Of late I inquired why the church is no longer giving welfare to members who are in need and I was told that that pastor said #no #more #welfare.
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All churches around the world are becoming sky scrapper, the message of prosperity is increasing still 90 percent of the church's populace is still poor.
these pastors still don't understand this below scripture
1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (kjv)

They preach God will bless you while they omit them selves as Avenue of effectual monetary blessing to their congregation because they feel they are to be given.
I Know right now you might be saying "oh! Have seen my pastors give". The truth is if pastors are to give as they have received and preaches more the message of meeting the need of the poor, then Africa won't rely on budget because we can meet each others needs.

The most beautiful church in my area has a bad spot at its front now becoming a gulley. The church is watching it and waiting for the government.

The church has failed but God remains ever true.
The church has failed in that they esteem the rich in the house of God where equality should be the order.
Now they record the payment of tithe an act that was never heard of through out the scripture.

A man told me he went to see his pastor for counseling and before he started he asked if he is a tithe payer then requested for his card number so he could confirm it on his computer.

Africa, mostly Nigeria, is fast becoming a land of many churches with havoc outpouring at every turn.
Our so called politicians and scanners are members of churches. Our church flier is selling God as a get rich-fast God. They sell prosperity not salvation.
They are telling people to come see the Jesus who provides whereas what they need and should be told is the Salvation of their soul. Which message did Jesus use for people not in God. These new converts go to church expecting to make money over night and anything on the transformation of their soul won't make sense to them. They came because of you overnight blessing pitch.

When some Pastors are invited to preach and they tell you
1: I don't stay in low class hotel, it must be five star
2: the honorarium after ministration the will fix
3: most of them must fly First Class etc

The church has failed us in that they've become worldly in the quest for Wealth and riches.

Am sorry if your offended by this but its truth. When I was about 12 years of age, we had a general camp meeting far away from home. One of the days of the camp meeting was fasting and prayer which every one was to observe.
In this camp meeting was the children of the general overseer who were of same age with I and my twin brother as at then.
Surprisingly enough the fast that was slated to end 6pm which we were mandated to keep was broken by these people some hours into the fast.
They went to the kitchen and made food for the overseer's children while we the children of the congregants must stay till 6pm.
That day we learnt that harsh lesson even in church rules don't matter.
The church has failed...