Ephesians 2:5 —6 (AMP)
5 even when we were [spiritually] dead and separated from Him because of our sins, He made us [spiritually] alive TOGETHER with Christ (for by His grace—His undeserved favor and mercy—you have been saved from God's judgment).
6 And He raised us up TOGETHER with Him [ when we believed ], and seated us WITH Him in the heavenly places, [ because WE ARE] IN CHRIST JESUS,
The day you welcomed Jesus into your heart and received Him as Lord, a lot happened!
The first is that you were made spiritually alive in Christ. This new life is the very life of God Himself. Now you are a spiritually alive and vibrant being with the very essence of God.
The second is that you have been delivered from God's judgment which is death and its antecedents. You have been saved from God's judgment. Whatever the judgement accrued to sin, you are SAVED from it.
The third is that you have been raised together with Jesus to the same spiritual seat of authority. I want you to know that you're not sitting NEXT to Jesus, you're in the SAME seat with Him. This happened when you believed! Glory to God!
Acts 2:24 (AMP)
24 But God raised Him ( And Arome ) up, releasing Him ( And Arome ) and bringing an end to the agony of death, since it was IMPOSSIBLE for Him ( And Arome ) to be held in death's power.
Remember that you were raised together with Jesus. As a child of God you have been released from the agony of death and it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to be held by death's power!
Think about this for a moment! Is it possible for death, sickness, poverty, lack, oppression, defeat to ever put Jesus down?
I know in your mind you are saying "Never!"
That is the same mindset you should carry! It is impossible for death to hold you down because you are identified with Christ in His resurrection!
It's impossible for you to sin!
It's impossible for you to be poor!
It's impossible for you to be disgraced!
It's impossible for you to fail!
It's impossible for you to have a broken marriage!
It's impossible for you to come under recession!
It's impossible for you to be denied!
It's impossible for you to be sick!
Death has lost its grip on you! Hallelujah!
Don't ever think or talk defeat! Talk like Christ would because you have the same authority as Him. You have the HIGHEST AUTHORITY in the realm and this authority extends over all created things!
Boldly declare "I'm living victoriously over death in this life. Christ in me and with me is MIGHTY. I'm in my season of great harvest and there are shouts of victory in Jesus name."
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Nice post! Thanks for sharing
Welcome...please upvote
Welldone, keep sharing the good news..
Bless you for this article sister..
The power of Christ is able to liberate us from the power of the devil.