"These principles – things like compassion for the outsider, forgiveness, and loving your neighbor – are demands for enlightened and righteous action in the world."
Your post is excellent, but the above made me pause. The Dark Ages, Crusades, Native American genocide, witch burning, inquisitions, etc. all come to mind. Christianity hasn't exactly loved its neighbors unless they too were Christians.
Imperialism, for any reason, is wrong. "Divine right of kings" comes to mind as well. A lot of evil acts have happened because of organized religion. Sure, a lot of good has been done too.
I just don't think a lot of Christians see the past mistakes or the current ones. As long as the enemy isn't Christian, they don't seem to give a damn about slaughtering them. That's a serious problem, not a guilt trip.
Hey, friend @finnian,
I hope that @allforprivacy will weigh in on this, but in the meanwhile, here is my "two cents."
I think you're conflating the teachings of Jesus with "organized religion" and its reprehensible actions.
Here's what Jesus himself had to say about "that kind" of "Christianity:"
As I've written about elsewhere, that kind of "Christianity" is just another arm of a human government system that is driven by evil forces and seeks to oppress mankind. This "false church" is a deceitful, anti-Christ apologist for the evil deeds of human governments.
The authentic call of God upon all who would be followers of Jesus in truth is to dissociate from such evil:
Agreed. I have absolutely no problem with anyone's beliefs as long as they do no harm to others. A lot of people will use their beliefs to turn a blind eye to atrocities however. That's what I believe we need to guard against. Many Christian anarchists are my friends too, but they realize the bigger problem and do not turn a blind eye to injustice. :)
Thank you.
I hope that you will be able to count this Christian anarchist as your ongoing friend. ;)
I like both of you guys. :)
I won't repeat what creatr said very well, but I will add that many of the events you mention have been weaponized for rhetorical purposes. Those witch burnings, for example, happened in the late middle ages/early modern period, not in the "dark ages." They also had major state involvement.