in #christianity7 years ago

 If there is any couple I want to avoid counselling with it is the one that is already singing divorce from their mouths because whatever decision you take is always the devil's alternative, do you know that Moses was accused before Jesus for granting divorce in his ministry in Matt 19:7

"Then WHY did Moses say in the law that A MAN COULD GIVE HIS WIFE A WRITTEN NOTICE OF DIVORCE and SEND HER AWAY?" they asked. NLT.I don't want to be accused before Jesus one day for endorsing divorce but Jesus knew what happened so he defended Moses saying in 

Matt 19:8-9 Jesus replied, "Moses PERMITTED DIVORCE ONLY as a concession TO YOUR HARD HEARTS, but it was not WHAT GOD HAD ORIGINALLY INTENDED. NLT.

I don't know how you understand that defense but it seems to me that Moses sat down with these religious leaders who had already made up their minds to see divorce as an alternative to their marriage challenges and wanted divorce, because Jesus said that divorce under the ministry of Moses was a concession to their hardened hearts, it was never in God's original plan for man and woman, he said that their hearts were hardened, so they optioned for God's permissive will for their lives according to Jesus so Moses was free from what they have in their own law. Moses was not responsible for what is signed into their law but the people who refused to see divorce as no option and hardened their hearts during the dialogue may be. You will can where Moses stands in 

Rom 7:2For the woman which hath an husband is BOUND BY THE LAW TO HER HUSBAND SO LONG AS HE LIVETH; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.

If you care to know Jesus said that divorce is not an option when he said that it is only possible where fornication is the reason and married people don't commit fornication but adultery looking at 

Matt 19:9And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, EXCEPT IT BE FOR FORNICATION, and shall marry another, COMMITTETH ADULTERY: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

If you also think that Jesus does not know the difference between fornication and adultery he does because the two words were used in the same verse, the word fornication there means fornication and not just sexual immorality, because he said that if you remarry you are said to be committing adultery so he did not just say sexual immorality, in long and short the only ground for you to divorce your wife is on fornication ground and not on the ground of adultery and unfortunately married women don't commit fornication but adultery meaning that there is no divorce, so the disciples told Christ that it is better to stay single and not marry if divorce is not possible once married in Matt 19:1019 His disciples say unto him, IF the case of the MAN be so with HIS WIFE, IT IS NOT GOOD TO MARRY.I agree with the disciples that it is better to stay single than to marry if the case of a man and his wife is that there is no divorce and everyone should be informed about this before they tie the Knots, that there is no divorce because the case is simple once married forever married and that laid to rest the case of divorce even where people are violently abused and that is why I said that whichever side of divorce you vote for it's devil's alternative, if you grant it God is against you as he spoke in Mal 2:1616 For I AM AGAINST THE PUTTING AWAY OF A WIFE, says the Lord, the God of Israel, AND AGAINST HIM WHO IS CLOTHED WITH VIOLENT ACTS, says the Lord of armies: so give thought to your spirit and DO NOT BE FALSE IN YOUR ACTS. (BBE)This is why I said that divorce is a devils alternative because in the case of domestic violent which this verse above addressed someone might lose their life and if not both in the case of domestic violence if we say no to divorce because the only ground for divorce is fornication, and if you grant it that will bring you in conflict with God who said that he hates domestic violent in that verse above and still said that he hates divorce so he is aware of domestic violent in marriages but said that he hates divorce all the same and condemned the violent man as well.The question remains is it possible for a married woman to commit fornication, yes, how, this is the one she had committed before she got married and you can confirm that when you lie with your wife the first time after the wedding ceremony is over and if she is not a virgin meaning that she had committed fornication before coming into the marriage with you and on that ground you can file for divorce immediately and discontinue that marriage but not after the first night had passed if you over look the sin of fornication in her life that night, this is why in my custom you make the first love to your wife on a white bed sheet and you show it to people with the blood stain on the white bed sheet the following day to prove to them that your wife is free from fornication and there is no need for divorce and the window for divorce is forever closed from that night henceforth.What the church should be discussing is separation and not divorce because a woman can be separated from the husband according to Paul in 1 Cor 7:10-11To the married I give this command (NOT I, BUT THE LORD): A WIFE MUST NOT SEPERATE FROM her husband.
11 BUT IF SHE DOES, she must REMAIN UNMARRIED or else be reconciled to her husband. AND A HUSBAND MUST NOT DIVORCE HIS WIFE. NIVThis possibly answered your discussion on domestic violence, you are free to separate from your husband as a wife but you cannot be divorced from him and you can always return to him if you wish to and the man must take you back because he is not free to remarry either if not he is said to be committing adultery all the days of his new marriage and anyone who marries you too is living in adultery with you all the days of your new marriage according to Matt 19:99 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, AND SHALL MARRY ANOTHER, COMMITTETH ADULTERY: and WHOSO MARRIETH HER WHICH IS PUT AWAY DOTH COMMIT ADULTERY.Divorce is not an option under any condition including domestic violence, but separation is allowed for the woman only, but she is still married to the man even in the said separation..

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