Seeker Sensitive or God Sensitive?

The Seeker Sensitive Church Model FAILS When It Comes to Making Disciples

  1. It tries to build and grow churches using American business model marketing principles. The problem is the American business and marketing principles is that the customer is always right. The problem is the true biblical Christianity is built on the principle that the person is a wrongful sinner that needs to be lovingly yet radically TRANSFORMED by the Creator and the Savior. If the church seeker and customer is already right, then why does he need a Savior the first place?

  2. The seeker sensitive seeker friendly movement seeks to satisfy the needs of the WRONG seeker. Hint the real seeker is not the guy in the pew, nor is it the guy visiting your church.

  3. The seeker sensitive seeker friendly movement creates false expectations of how the kingdom functions and sets people up to fail and becoming disciples. To find out more watch this video. Thank you.

Part of the backlash and blow back from the seeker sensitive movement, where entire churches and ministries change and repackage Jesus and the gospel so it will be more sinner friendly, and more people will pray the sinners prayer and accept Jesus -supposedly, is that it has created the unintentional consequence of causing people to mistakenly believe that since the church has gone to such great length to change itself to make sinners more comfortable, then it is assumed that God will also do the same thing; it has created a false grace concept in modern times; where people expect to be saved and to enter YHWH's Kingdom, whether or not they are truly conformed to the Image and Character of the King.

Under the new grace, the churches Ignore God's true Standards of Judgment in order to make sinners happier with church, so it is PRESUMED, that God will surely do the same in order to cause more people to be saved. It's a dangerous delusion, (Hebrews 5:9; James 2:20-24; 2 Peter 1:1-11).

Brother Michel Lankford