Responding to John MacArthur's Sabbath Article

in #christianity8 years ago

Should Christians keep the Sabbath? David Wilber responds to an article from John MacArthur's ministry, Grace to You. Twelve objections to keeping the Sabbath are addressed.

Here's a link to John MacArthur's original article, "Are the Sabbath laws binding on Christians today?"

Some additional resources:

5 Reasons Christians Should Keep the Torah
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?


Great video, Happy Sabbath!!!
Definitely adding you to my follow group ;-)

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

What church you belong too?

I attend and serve at Freedom Hill Community:

What about you?

Hi @davidwilber, I like your website and I noticed you guys worship on Sabbath! Not many Protestant churches remember to keep the Sabbath holy, unfortunately. That's really cool.

I'm a Seventh Day Adventist, so I'm in agreement with you on the importance of the 7th day. When I can't attend my local church I like to watch sermons from Doug Batchelor's church. He's pretty awesome!

you are handsome ! i am from Venezuela . a vote for you .