Torah Portion Balak | בלק
Numbers 22:2-25:9
Feelings are important and shouldn't be dismissed. But we must not be led by our feelings. We cannot assume that our feelings reflect the complete truth of any situation. Our feelings reflect only how we interpret the truth of the situation. New information or another perspective often leads to a different interpretation ... READ MORE
This post is very interesting!
Feelings are subjective, that's why we shouldn't trust our feeling that there might be a divine power as our feelings might be wrong, right?
Hi David! Just wanted to say hello, as I just found you today! I have been on Steemit for a couple of months now and have enjoyed the community so far! I have watched your messages for a few years now and want to say thank you for preaching/teaching the true word of our Creator! In fact I was listening to your messages before I found out that I have a connection to you through Chase and Amy there at Freedom Hill. Looking forward to following you here! Shalom
Shalom! Thanks for the encouragement, and it's great to connect with you here! Still learning the ropes, but this seems like a great community.
Shalom, brotha! :D