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RE: Jesus is Not God - Truth in the Scriptures

in #christianity8 years ago (edited)

Sorry, this is not what the text is saying.

The inspired writer of Hebrews clearly identifies YHWH of Ps 102 with the Son. He describes him as the eternal Creator. He confirms Jesus' eternity in Chapter 7:3 by pointing to the way Melchizedek shows up in the OT: no beginning nor end of life.

That all is in accordance with Joh 1:3, where Jesus is called to be the one who created everything that was created (that of course excludes him of the things that had been created).

Also, there is an YHWH visible on earth and one invisible in heaven in Gen 19:24, what further confirms Hebr 1:8-12.

Your interpretation is clearly wrong, my friend. Refering to Hebr 2:5 doesn't help you. The Writer just keeps on with the theme where he stopped: the Son is greater than the angles. At Hebr 1:1 he started with the thought that the Son is greater than the prophets. In Chapter three he keeps on showing that the son is greater than Moses and Aaron. Hebr 1:8-12 and Hebr 7:3 ought to explain WHY he is greater, because he is the incarnated eternal one. who had glory by the Father before even the World was made (Joh 17,5).

Let me ask you another question:

Whose glory did Isaiah see according to Isa 6:1-5?


You are asking a lot of questions but it seems that you aren't interested in the answers. You should be asking yourself some very important questions since you are believing in something that the writers of the Bible did not believe in.

Everything you say is based on reading the Trinity into the Bible instead of reading what is there. He is greater because he was made greater. Do you really believe that God would cause so much confusion as to suddenly change the very understanding of His nature and not explain it anywhere. Do you honestly believe that we are meant to read between the lines to know who He is?

I was lost and God called me. I continued to be lost for many years until I finally began to understand. I prayed and I studied. I asked for answers and I asked for help. This is where God lead me. Do you deny His guidance? I prayed for understanding and I was given understanding. Let God be true and every man a liar.

My life has changed, my mind has changed. This isn't my own wisdom because I am no one. This is the work and truth of God. I do this because I am lead to do this. God is one and Jesus Christ is the one who will lead us to Him.

Actually I'm not asking a lot of questions. This was my third. :)
I'm also not reading between the lines and am not engaging in eisegesis. I just showed why Jesus is God as the Father God is.

Your experience and supposedly answered prayers don't count. They, as everything else, have to pass the test of truth, that is the bible. Your believe about a such a foundational matter as the being of God is clearly false. Jesus said in Joh 8:24 that he is I AM and if one doesn't believe that he will die in his sins.

This is why: Jesus had to become man just we are in order to be our substitute. But he also had to be eternal in order to be able to bear our sins against the eternal God with eternal consequences.

Would you please answer the question? Whose glory saw Isaiah in Isa 6:1-5 according to Joh 12:37-41?

Your experience and supposedly answered prayers don't count. They, as everything else, have to pass the test of truth, that is the bible.

This is where I found the truth, in the Bible. You though are not reading the Bible, you are adding to the Bible in a dangerous way. For example, in John 8:24 Jesus did not say that "he is I AM" as you put it, it actually reads, "I am he". That's a big difference and I can prove that you are wrong just by opening the Bible. Don't be like the Pharisees in Matthew 15. Give my good word to you a chance.

I'm not adding to the word. Joh 8:24 reads "ego eimi", I am.

Wether your word is good has to be testet by scripture. So open up your Bible and tell me:
Whose glory saw Isaiah in Isa 6:1-5 according to Joh 12:37-41?

John 8 continues "for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning."

You can't build a doctrine on two words. You must read the entire context. From the beginning Jesus had said that he was the Son of God, the Christ. Jesus was saying that he was him, the Christ. This has nothing to do with being called I am.

Isaiah 6:1-5, It appears that he saw the glory of God. These things wouldn't cause you to stumble if you focused on the simple things. Once you get the basics, the rest starts falling into place. Milk first.

Weeeell, nice try. But as I said, there is no "he" in the greek text, just "ego eimi", I am:

Screenshot 2017-07-20 17.40.57.png

You are the one building on a translation and not the original text of the Bible. So actually you are the one reading, even if unwillingly and unknowingly, in to the Bible.

Also, you still didn't answer my question in a full way. I agree Isaiah saw the glory of God, more precise it was the glory of YHWH Zebaoth. Who's glory was that according to Joh 12,37-41 I asked? Now I am curious how sincere your can answer that question without dodging it. All I#m doing is taking notice of what the inspired Apostle of God is saying there.

Please, don't try to involve any psycho tactics in conversations about the truth of God by suggestion I would need milk. ;) I take such moneuvres as an expression of unchristian character.

If you continue to ignore my answers and avoid the truth then we have no further need of discussion. It would be a waste of both of our time. You are becoming very manipulative and difficult.