To live is to take sides. Faced with the reality that hits us, we cannot opt for neutrality, no living being, as long as a living being, can remain neutral to what affects them. A different question is what each person does with that side they have taken. You can choose to remain silent, hide your head or adjust to circumstances and put on a coat that makes you invisible in the middle of the stream, or you can become fully human. You can take full possession of your life and can openly express your choice, live according to it. At least as much as possible.
The problem is that we need people with the capacity to take responsibility for their own lives, the ability to criticize "what they see". And for that, they must first be able to identify what they see, what they hear, what they experience, beyond the cover that that reality presents to them immediately. He must learn, as it were, to read between the lines. But for that, we need to count on individuals educated in and for freedom.
With critical capacity, of discernment. In other words, we need true persons, authentic human beings, whose will, freedom, and mind has not been given unconditionally to another human being. Either by interest, by comfort, by fear or by pure and simple ignorance.
When it comes to the discourse concerning the great powers that rule the world, there is an excessive fixation in the economic section. Certainly, the economy is an essential element in our world because it moves the ideology. It is very difficult that an idea, a thought contrary to the great economic powers can be extended or sufficient to be a serious adversary. Generally speaking, both the so-called left and right parties, respond to their master´s voice when the time comes. However, it is in education where these power groups have focused especially their efforts.
They have sought the creation of technically trained and qualified generations, but not philosophically or theologically qualified. Thus, we have mechanical generations, if I may call them that, utensils and tools useful for the tasks that the productive system needs, but as tools they are dispensable when they are no longer necessary or useful. On the other hand, philosophy or theology teach to think, to see beyond the envelope, the appearance. Theology in particular teaches to discover and denounce the "whitewashed sepulchers" and to defend the dignity of the human being. Sepulchers that seek to encapsulate the human being in their exterior beauty, but once one enters them, there is only corruption and death.
There are many prisons in life and not all have bars to hold you in.
You're absolutely right. And those prisons, both mental and spiritual are the worse. Thanks for commenting.