Thoughts for the day - 3/5/18

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Colossians 4:5-6

Have you ever opened the door to your house and said something like "What do you want!" -- My guess is yes of course. Our day is constantly interrupted by "strangers", email box is full of spam, reply tab is full of nonsense, it is certainly very easy to be less than graceful as each outsider demands our attention. Being graceful has become particularly challenging in our fast paced, high tech, virtual world and our attitudes here so often work their way into the non virtual realm we call life.

I cannot fully envision Jesus on FB, or Steemit, but, if there was such an occasion, I would presume he would have a lot of followers who longed each day to hear His truths, have a blog full of grace, with not one hurtful or careless post. My guess is that he would know no strangers and would welcome all. Rebukes would be thoughtful and caring, that such conversation might lead to correction and transformation with little animosity.

Just thinking out load this morning; Is Jesus in your blog?

Many Blessings.



The way we treat people should be the same as Jesus Christ did. Yes sometimes it's really hard but the Holy Spirit is always available to direct us.

Just thinking out load this morning; Is Jesus in your blog?

We should always reflect Jesus in all that we do.
As always i feel blessed reading your post.

Thank you sister, it my pleasure to know that I may have blessed you through His word.

Have a joyous day!

The question is obviously HOW? :D as in, how do I manage to do that in and out every day? You are familiar with monkeysphere theory I trust?

Thanks for your reply and question.

It is really not about trusting each person or getting to know them as close friends (monkeysphere), but just being gracious and courteous to everyone, even those who we do not believe are providing a welcome interruption to our day. That is the challenge of course, but it is our choice.


Then we're talking about maintaining a persona (the right persona) despite everything. Firmness and clarity are vital with this, obviously. However, still: how do you have enough energy to carry it through, always ?

No one has enough "energy" on their own. This is where the power of the Holy Spirit is truly required.

Have a blessed day with much wisdom and clarity!

Unfortunately, the world does not like to hear the truth. If Jesus were to be on steemit, they would follow Him because of what they would like to benefit from Him

It is certainly not up to us to decide why they would follow.

so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Many blessings this day!

The World will continue be this way because human being will not actively seek God, and will not like to hear the truth. However, I believe that is what we need and must do as a follower of Christ because we are the light and salt. All we are responsible for, and will be accounted for, would be us doing our part to speak truth, it is not up to us to decide whether or not they will follow, it is the Holy Spirit's job. :)

Since the Lord is the within each and every one of us, every time we come upon a stranger, or they come into our lives (even for a split-second interaction), we are coming upon the Lord. Too bad I don’t think of it that way very often, otherwise I would be kind and welcoming to everyone. I think I always try to treat everyone with respect and appreciation but I need to work towards that for sure!

Brother I believe the Spirit guides you day by day, be assured He has done good work in you and will continue even more so tomorrow.


Agreed, thank you. God Bless!

@bycoleman I just blessed. Thanks for sharing this valuable piece of information. Waiting for you another one.
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Thank you brother.

Wishing you many blessings today.

Is Jesus in my blog? Not enough!

We treat our families rudely, and so we take our rudeness outside to people whom we should be showing Christ's goodness, to people who will not understand.

We keep forgetting that we are letters to the world.

Your posts make me examine myself.

Your writings share His kindness and good news! Be blessed and grow this day and the next in His grace.

Put into context like Paul himself! Your insight is much appreciated. I feel like it could go hand in hand with Mark 9:40-41.

Thank you my friend. It can be helpful to make scripture fit our present day, at least it is for me.

And yes

Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.

There is great reward in giving.


You're welcome, I was also thinking of verse 40 'For he who is not against us is for us.'
Certainly makes it easier to try and keep grace during conversations.
I'll be adding Christ to my blog someday soon so keep an eye out for similar brainstorming :)

I believe the Bible quote for today's Thoughts applies more to people who are not of our faith or have fallen out of faith, thereby the word "outsiders" as opposed to "strangers". As followers of Christ, we are always challenged to "Go out and spread the good news of the Lord." And Brother Paul is urging us not only to be wise in doing so but to take every opportunity to convert people back to the Christian faith. This should be done in the manner that is graceful, reverent, full of love and appealing (my take on the salt) to hasten their conversion.

Let us endeavor to be Christ-like in our blog so people can see and feel His presence in every word you post. God bless you all!

Yes, of course you are correct as to Paul's context for the verse, yet it felt perfectly comfortable to make this association to day as it might apply here, albeit this entry is a little different than my normal "Thoughts".

My guess is that Paul would likely answer the door more politely than I often have.

Many blessings and thank you as always for the constant refinement.

That makes two us with the doorside manner : )

Knowing how to answer everyone is a difficult task. We must be full of wisdom and tranquility. In addition, knowledge is a great tool to have to be able to speak and relate to everyone. Fortunately, if we follow Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit we do not have to worry about what to say because He will put the words in our mouths.

Thanks for sharing!
Spencer Coffman

Thanks Spencer for sharing.

Yes, you are correct of course, the problem is saying what the spirit would have us say vs what is often blurted out without proper reflection.


Yes, that is true. The tongue is a fire and must be controlled.

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