Thoughts for the day - 3/3/18

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.
Ecclesiastes 5:2

One of the habits of those who we might find very difficult to love or like is that they are always talking, even when they know not what they are talking about. It really is not a characteristic that should define us as servants of the Lord, for the more we are talking, the less we are listening. There is of course a time to talk, even shout His name and word, yet we (I) must be reminded that our thoughts can only be refined if we have truly taken time to listen.

Prayer is two way communication! Ministering is listening much and speaking little with balanced, emphatic, enlightened words relayed from the Spirit. Talking without listening is nothing more than our thoughts lording over all others.

Today, take a moment before speaking to Listen to the Spirit and relay these words, which may be few, but perfectly prepared and so fit to be spoken.

Many Blessings.



In the end we all will be accountable for every word we said. Every word spoken in love will work to our favor but all those uttered otherwise will weigh heavily against us. It is heavenly therefore to listen more and think before we speak. For words are the cause of either much construction or destruction. Let us persevere to be holy in our words as the Father is.

You are correct and this of course is relayed to us through our brother Matthew.

12:36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken

Yet I know, as hard as I try, that I cannot achieve perfection so:


Alleluia! All is not lost!

Blessings my dear brother, blessings!

Let us be truly sorry for our sins and pray God will forgive us and not make us accountable anymore on the day of judgment.

Blessings to you as well and all who shared in Thoughts today. Have a blessed Sunday.

This is only proper as servants of God. Servants not lords. Thank you. Keep steeming.

Yes, servants listen, earthly lords demand.

Something to reflect on soberly by servants. It is only lords that seldom listens to people. Thank you and blessings. Keep steeming.

Yes yes yes. I love it. "The more we are talking, the less we are listening". And when the wonder of our Lord is speaking TO us each and every day, why shouldn't we take a pause in our own urge to speak and allow His word to wash over us and take full effect? I say we absolutely should! God Bless sir!

Yes this verse was a reflection in the mirror.

And brother your words are gifted.

And when the wonder of our Lord is speaking TO us each and every day, why shouldn't we take a pause in our own urge to speak and allow His word to wash over us and take full effect?

Perfectly prepared.

God bless brother.

Thank you for creating these posts brother. I can honestly say I look forward to our conversations about the word of God every day. Thankful to get to read such great posts and comments from both you and @gems.and.cookies about our faith in the Lord.

It is the highlight of my time on Steemit. Much pleasure do I find as the words often type themselves in the morning post and even more pleasure comes in hearing from my brothers and sisters in this venue, the body of Christ.

Thank you and yes Gems, for your consistent Christ centered messages.

@jumpmaster we all seek for the truth and share what we can in growing our faith. Really thankful for your kind comments. But I can say the same about your comments as well. Looking forward everyday to seeing you here.

Absolutely, totally agree with both of y’all. Thankful to have the Thoughts and your take on the verses as a part of our time here on Steemit!

This is very important, especially when contributing during Bible study. If we always want to talk or share, we soon begin to say our thoughts instead of that of the Holy Spirit.
We'd say it and expect others to accept. But wisdom is profitable to direct and one of the fruit of the Spirit is selfcontrol.

Thank you sister.

Let me know when you have listening perfected and I will let you know the same. Aren't we glad our Father does listen AND when we stop talking we can hear him so much clearer. Or of course He finds another way to get our attention.

Blessings and quite moments this day.

It is a choice... learn to be wise and use this powerful tool to bless, encourage, love, give hope and speak truth.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverb 18:21)

Good day Stephen.

There is a lot of learning for some tools!

Have a truly blessed day.

Prayer is two way communication!

This is one that too many people forget. My former pastor had a frequent saying: "prayer is not a bank card and the Lord is not your ATM machine." Too often, people seem to think the Almighty is Santa Claus or a genie in a lamp: you just make your wishes and they magically happen. Too often we forget that there are instructions and orders to be heard from Him as well.

Hey Brother, good to hear from you again.

Your pastor was (is) a wise man. The "Ask and you shall receive" message is only applicable after you learn what to ask for, which you can only do by listening and learning from our Father.

Many blessing there in the Red country, stay safe.

excellent message; It is true that many people speak and speak and speak and do not let the Holy Spirit speak, we must keep silence and listen fully to hear what God wants to tell us, blessings.


Thanks for sharing.

Have a joyous day!

@bycoleman Words are simple but it has a deep meaning. If we obey those sentences then the world will be get together. Peoples will never get hurt by someones speech. We really need to think before say something to others.
Day by day you are making me a good persons. Love for you @bycoleman

Thank you brother. All glory be to the Father.

Have a blessed day.

The bible tells us to speak pleasant words
kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body- prov 16:24
So when we speak right we speak life
God bless you for sharing

Always great to read your reply.
Blessings this day!

Proverbs 10:19 says : When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable,
But he who restrains his lips is wise.

I say "Amen" to this. Very inspirational. Thank you for sharing.

Gob Bless!

And you too!

I love the analogy (Ministering is listening much and speaking little with balanced, emphatic, enlightened words related from the Spirit)
Have a blessed weekend!

Thank you so much for the kind reply.

And many fold the blessings to you!

I have a question sir; is it possible to be speaking and listening?

Sure, we can have the TV blaring, the household machinery buzzing, the dogs yapping all while we attempt to carry on a conversation with out spouse who in frustration is just having trouble understanding while we just don't seem to be hearing what they say.

Deep conversations take intense listening.

Wonderful post sir,
Yes we must be swift about hearing but slow in speaking...
Listening is an important factor in learning. It can also influence a person prospect for survival. When God was preparing to deliver his people from the bondage in Egypt, he gave instructions to Moses who told the elder men of Israel what they must do in order to save their first born from the angel of death (Ex.12:21-23) The older men then covered this info to each house hold. This was done orally. The people had to listen carefully. How did they respond? The Bible says that " all the sons of Israel did just as God had commanded Moses and Aaron, they did just so"(Ex.12:28,50,51).. As a result, Israel experienced an awe-inspiring deliverance.
Today, God is preparing us for an even greater deliverance. Surely, the instructions he provides merits our earnest attention.. Such instructions are given at church and Bible meetings. How much we benefit from such gatherings, depends how we listen...