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RE: The Shocking Truth About the Bible

Hey I never saw this reply, forgive my incompetence.
Also I had a rather aggressive tone in my last post, please forgive me.

Friend, Jesus is no tyrant to those who believe. I feel no oppression at his hand.

I think 1 Cor 7:22 demonstrates what I'm trying to say -
"For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave."
In becoming a Christian, you exchange your "bondage to sin" for bondage and servitude to this God. Slavery, servitude, and worship are expected of you. Who but a tyrant would ask this?
God is always watching. Your spiritual big brother, although far more invasive. He knows what you think, what you will think, what you will do, and how you will do it. There is no rest from his unblinking eye, always watching you and even probing into the depths of your most private thoughts. Tyranny begins where privacy ends.
All power is vested in him. He is judge, jury, and executioner. There is no way you can know he exists, yet he expects belief in, what is in my opinion, an absurd claim, on pain of eternal torture. Who but a tyrant would invent such a system?
He expected, in times past, that you follow his legal system, a system not made by the consent of the governed, but by his whim and will. The threat accompanying this system in response to disobedience was spiritual death and a host of maladys, an issue that could only be resolved by the tyrant sacrificing his own son to himself and asking for worship in return for fixing his own broken system that he allowed to come to fruition. Who but a tyrant would do such a thing?
Finally, he expects praise forever and ever. All those who refuse or even politely decline will meet there end. "Bow down and worship me or die." Even a polite, "no thanks" will get you thrown into the pit of fire. Who but a tyrant would do such a thing?