This doesn't belong in Christianity. Catholicism needs its own category.
She's a heretic. Her writings about the ascent of the soul are unbiblical.
We're saved by faith alone in Christ alone guided by the Bible alone. We're not saved by infant baptism, obedience to church rules, and good works.
The pope isn't Christ's representative. He has no authority to interpret scripture or to condemn anyone to hell or to tell God who's a saint or what their job in Heaven will be.
Thanks for the comment and thanks for reading. I'm not a catholic myself and the majority of my posts are not about Catholicism. Having said that, I have little doubt that Teresa of Avila was a true Christian and while I do not agree with all of her teachings, I think there is a great deal that we can learn from her.
The purpose of these posts is to highlight the people and events that shaped Christianity throughout history. Teresa of Avila had a massive impact. Overall, I would say that she had a positive impact. If we are open minded, we can certainly glean some measure of truth and inspiration from her life.
You're right. The ascent of the soul is a bit weird. Thanks for calling that out. I don't stand by everything she taught.