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RE: Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Paul and His Epistles

in #christianity6 years ago

It's all worthless heresy. Paul was recruited by Jesus himself. Jesus taught Paul. Paul wrote scripture. Peter confirms that Paul's writings are scripture.


You provide absolutely no sources, or references. Just blurting out a comment.

Let me help out your ignorance:
In 2 Peter 3:16, Peter makes mention of Paul's letters. And warns that they are hard to understand, saying that many twist them to their own destruction IN THE CONTEXT OF living free from sin, in holiness, Godliness, spotless, and blameless. Many people use Paul's writings to excuse their lack of holiness, Godliness, spotlessness, and blamelessness to their own DESTRUCTION.

We see this happening today. MOST people misunderstand Paul's letters, always quoting them to defend their lawlessness, and secret sin... implying that in spite of their sin, they are "saved by grace". All while willfully ignoring Paul's lengthy list of sins that send a person to hell. Not to mention the rest of scripture that they "override" using their own interpretation of Paul's letters. Peter's warning comes to fruition in this age.

Yes, Jesus appeared to Paul, and recruited Him. No doubt about that. Just like a million others who are alive today. MANY people have also experienced "road to Damascus"-type conversions. Does that mean that they all are perfect? Does that mean that every word they write is God's Holy word - no exceptions?

Peter makes mention of Paul's letters, and warns others regarding them. Nowhere does Peter classify them as "scripture". But perhaps he does in your fantasy-land.
Just because a certain Apostle mentions the letters of another person, and warns people against misinterpreting them, doesn't mean that Apostle has instantly "canonized" their writings. Far from it!

I tipped over your sacred Paul-cow. That's obvious. Your hasty post, and lack of any kind of specificity in your blatantly ignorant comment proves you haven't even seriously listened to, or considered this entire video. Let alone actually having the capacity to research this matter with any meaningful hint of critical thinking skills that true scholars possess.