in #christian8 years ago (edited)

Have you ever read something and then later almost wished you hadn’t? For example, late last Fall the Tribune-Review carried a story about a 51 year old Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania man who was lodged in the Allegheny County Jail on a $500,000 bond. He had been charged with cruelty to animals and having sexual intercourse with an animal [his girlfriend’s dog.]

It has not been that long ago that a 17-year old black Miami teen, Trevon Johnson, was shot and killed by a female homeowner who encountered him after he had broken into her home. Thus far no charges have been filed against the woman. Regardless of the legality and even rightness of this lady to protect her home and safety…it is tragic when a young man loses his life. This event has been highlighted in the discussion on “gun rights/control” and the racial harangue of “Black Lives Matter.”

It is sad enough to read this but the reaction of some of the teen’s family is even more disturbing. The boy’s cousin had this to say about the shooting by the homeowner, “I don’t care if she have her gun license or any of that. That is way beyond the law—way beyond….You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood. You have to understand . . .how he going to get his money to have cloths to go to school?[sic] You have to look at it from his point-of-view.” How can one even respond to such bizarre logic?

The kid grew up in a fatherless home [or at the least a broken home], as do a large segment of America’s black children. The most recent research shows the following consequences of children reared in such circumstances. They are *seven times more likely to live in poverty; six times more likely to commit suicide; and three times more likely to commit major crime. Black girls in fatherless homes are more than twice as likely to become pregnant out of wedlock and always fall behind academically, emotionally, and socially to those with intact families.

It should be remembered that failed Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton made a focus of her campaign an allegation of the mistreatment and the unfair disadvantage in every aspect of society faced by American women. A primary goal of her campaign as stated by Hillary herself was “to oppose and then end forever” what she has characterized as “America’s war on women.”

We are at war. But the war is not really about the feminists’ tizzy over such things as unrestricted abortion rights, equal pay, their claimed systemic humiliation and male subordination of females. The real battle is between those who desire a new valueless, humanistic, and socialist world order where nothing is essentially right or wrong and on the other side, are those who demand a return to traditional Judeo/Christian values.

Sadly, the progress of the war for traditionalists is seen in the incredible breakdown of American families. The evidence for such disarray is overwhelming. Such things as lack of discipline, disrespect, coddling, whining, ingratitude, rebellion, and insecurity are the new norms. But especially harmful is the growing absence of any definitive and beneficial male role model at home.

History, nature, and divine prerogative point to an irrefutable conclusion. Nations which are populated largely by soft, immoral, weak-willed, and self-indulgent men cannot and do not long endure. These types include those who sire and then abandon their children; who cheat on their wives, who lie, steal, and covet and are often substance abusers. These vain and “girly men” serve no god save the gods of ease, money, pleasure, and self. They neglect responsibility, disdain duty, incessantly whine, and lack real convictions.

Surely, there must be a return to the virtues of godliness, duty, courage, honor, and integrity. We must make these traits at least equal with the value of a good education, financial success, and personal security. Should our next generation of men continue to prove to be weak, effeminate, and self-serving then our future is more than in grave danger---it is lost. WEN


Excellent article, and it's true, we're more divided than we ever have been. Along every line. Race/religion/ethnicity/political party, you name it. It isn't an accident however. We've been divided so we could be conquered.

Thank you gregmurphy.

The war on our families health.
Bill Gates says he can reduce the population. He loves mercury in vaccines and mercury in his Evergreen Aviation chemplanes that he owns.
4 minutes ago
runaway-slave 43 in mercury-andmercury
It amazes me that people cannot see the poison being sprayed on us at 30000 feet. A trail behind a jumbo jet spanning over a 40 mile wide valley is a chemtrail. A contrail will be no more than 1000 feet behind the plane . The latest jet engines produce zero contrail except for the biggest new Airbus which will create a normal trail like you would have from a 20 year old jumbo jet.

These are not ballast tanks. These tanks are rigged with high pressure lines connected to spray nozzles on the wings.

Geoengineering spray nozzles on wings.

Your comment
"The real battle is between those who desire a new valueless, humanistic, and socialist world order where nothing is essentially right or wrong and on the other side, are those who demand a return to traditional Judeo/Christian values."
Is the truth to it all, and most of today's generation are Raised with no morals and no values.


So much to discuss here and honestly I'm too tired. But kudos to you for bringing it up - it needs to be said and said again.

Looking forward to your thoughts.