Jesus the solid Rock

in #christian7 years ago

Jesus reminds us with a humorous illustration to get our acts together before we start trying to clean other people's lives: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? " Jesus also says we act out what we are inside. If we're a lemon tree (if we haven't let Jesus come in and begin to change us), try as we might on our own to grow peaches, we'll grow lemons. Oh sure, we can fake it for a while and look as if we're growing peaches--- you know, paint our fruit and glue some fuzz on the outside. We may even fool ourselves for a while. But as soon as someone takes a bit, he gets lemon(plus a mouthful of fuzz). On the other hand, a peach tree can only bear peaches. It can't help it. It doesn't strain or strive. The fruit just comes out that way. Jesus also tells us to build our houses with firm foundation in Him, not like those who go for the quick payoff. Sand castles may look great and are a snap to build,but they're short- term investments. One rain a big wave, and it's all over. Jesus encourages us to build on His rock, His firm foundation--and with materials that will last. Jesus-is-My-Solid-Rock-Series.png


Jesus is my rock too his love is unending if the whole world accepted Jesus we would be in a better place. Thanks @ thomasbrown

You're so welcome!

I love your post, I hope you have good things, if you like art, go through my block

That geupap status kah pluk

This post gave me the strength to go through my day today. Thank you.

You're a great uplift!